IDF Updates – November 18th

IDF: Following the request of the director of the Shifa Hospital, the IDF agrees to expand and assist evacuation effort of the Shifa Hospital

This morning, the IDF acceded to the request of the director of the Shifa Hospital to enable additional Gazans who were in the hospital, and would like to evacuate, to do so via the secure route.

At no point, did the IDF order the evacuation of patients or medical teams and in fact proposed that any request for medical evacuation will be facilitated by the IDF.

Medical personnel will remain in the hospital to support patients who are unable to evacuate.

Overnight (Friday), the IDF provided additional food, water, and humanitarian assistance to the hospital.

IDF: IDF troops continued operating in the Gaza Strip overnight, the IAF struck numerous terror targets in the Gaza Strip; heavy-weight rockets and UAVs were located in an Islamic Jihad post in the northern Gaza Strip

IDF troops continued operating overnight in the Gaza Strip and fighter jets struck numerous terror targets in the Gaza Strip.

Based on IDF intelligence, IDF troops took control of a stronghold of the commander of the Islamic Jihad’s northern command area. The stronghold contains offices of senior terrorists of the organization and a strategic manufacturing site for weapons. During the raid, the troops located heavy-weight rockets, UAVs, and additional weapons. The troops struck the post.

In addition IDF troops conducted activity inside a school in which Hamas terrorists were hiding. During the activities, the troops killed the terrorists and located a large number of weapons inside the school.

IDF troops conducted targeted raids in several areas in the Gaza Strip, during which they located technological equipment, weapons caches, and additional weapons, including Kalashnikov rifles, explosive devices, grenade launchers, vests, RPGs, and anti-tank missile launchers.

Attached are photos of the IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is a video of the IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of weapons confiscated by IDF troops and of the strike on a weapon warehouse:

As part of its modus operandi, Hamas exploits hospitals to launch its attacks against Israel. Here are just a few of the hospitals that have been exploited by Hamas since the start of the war.
Hamas Tactics – Hospitals as Operational Hubs

IDF: A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck several Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanon, including terrorist infrastructure, a weapons storage facility and a military structure. In addition, the IDF struck a terrorist cell identified in Lebanon in the area adjacent to Arab al-Aramshe.

Furthermore, several launches toward the areas of Malkia and Manarain in northern Israel were identified. The IDF is responding with fire toward the sourcees of the launches.

IDF: Following the report regarding sirens that sounded in Arab al-Aramashe and Adamit in northern Israel, a number of mortar shells launched from Lebanon toward Israel fell in open areas.

The IDF is striking the source of the launch in Lebanon.

IDF: Exposed: Shoulder-fired missiles, mortar shells, and numerous weapons located inside a kindergarten and schools in Gaza

IDF troops located dozens of mortar shells that were hidden by Hamas in a kindergarten in the northern Gaza Strip. In addition, IDF troops located numerous Hamas weapons hidden in the “Al-Karmel” elementary school.

Attached is video footage of the mortar shells located in a kindergarten:

Attached are photos of the located weapons:

IDF: Over the last few hours, several launches toward the areas of Shomera, Shtula, and Manara in northern Israel were identified. The IDF struck the sources of the fire. Furthermore, an IDF fighter jet struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure.

In addition, earlier today (Friday), IDF soldiers who were operating in the area of Metula in northern Israel identified a drone that crossed from Lebanon to Israel. The soldiers tracked and intercepted the drone, which was suspected of carrying explosive materials.

Attached is a photo of the drone:

IDF: IDF troops identified a terrorist cell in the area of Gaza City. The terrorists, who attempted to flee the scene, were then pursued by soldiers on the ground. In parallel, the soldiers directed an IDF aircraft toward the terrorists, which then struck and eliminated the cell.

Attached is a video of the strike on the terrorist cell:

Joint IDF and ISA announcement:

The IDF and ISA killed a number of terrorists in the Balata Camp in the city of Nablus and prevented terror attacks against Israeli civilians

In a joint IDF and ISA overnight counterterrorism activity in the Balata Camp, an IDF aircraft struck a hideout used by terrorists involved in planning imminent terror attacks against Israeli civilians and military targets.

The terrorists killed during the activity include Muhammad Zahed, resident of the camp, a prominent terrorist in the city of Nablus. Zahed was involved in shooting attacks in the area of Nablus and planned further terror activity.

One of the significant terror attacks he was involved in includes a shooting attack on April 2023 in Jerusalem, which wounded two Israeli civilians.

Zahed took part in the hostile terror activity in the Balata Camp and founded a terrorist cell composed of the camp’s youth, which he armed with explosives and weapons for terror activities against IDF soldiers entering the camp.

In the past, he carried out shooting attacks against IDF soldiers, sent terrorists to carry out terror attacks and rallied the camp against IDF forces. In addition, Zahed received weapons and funds to further terror attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers and began to produce explosives for the battalion.

In addition, during the joint IDF, ISA, and Israel Border Police activity in the Balata Camp, the forces dismantled an explosives production facility in the area with a number of ready-to-use explosive devices. Furthermore, an engineering vehicle exposed explosive devices that were concealed underneath and on the sides of the road aimed to harm the forces. During the activity, terrorists fired at the forces, who responded with live fire. No IDF injuries were reported.

The IDF and ISA will continue to operate to eliminate threats and target operatives involved in terror attacks against Israel.

IDF: The IDF is striking Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanon

Following the sirens sounded in Kibbutz Sasa and Moshav Shtula, northern Israel, 25 launches were identified a short while ago. No injuries were reported.

IDF artillery is striking the sources of the launches.

The IDF is currently striking Hezbollah terror targets, details to follow.

IDF: Following the request of the director of the Shifa Hospital, the IDF agrees to expand and assist evacuation effort of the Shifa Hospital

This morning, the IDF acceded to the request of the director of the Shifa Hospital to enable additional Gazans who were in the hospital, and would like to evacuate, to do so via the secure route.

At no point, did the IDF order the evacuation of patients or medical teams and in fact proposed that any request for medical evacuation will be facilitated by the IDF.

Medical personnel will remain in the hospital to support patients who are unable to evacuate.

Overnight (Friday), the IDF provided additional food, water, and humanitarian assistance to the hospital.

IDF: The IDF killed the terrorist cell that launched the barrage of rockets toward Israel on Friday evening; The activity in the Gaza Strip continues, locating terror tunnels, killing terrorists, and striking terror infrastructure

Less than an hour after the barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip toward Israeli territory yesterday (Friday), IDF troops identified the terrorists who carried out the launches from the roof of a building and directed an IAF aircraft that struck them.

In addition, over the past day, IDF fighter jets and helicopters struck dozens of terror targets in the Gaza Strip alongside terrorists and additional terror infrastructure, including operational command centers, launch posts, and weapon manufacturing laboratories.

Attached is a video of the strike on the terrorists that launched the rockets toward Israeli territory yesterday (Friday):

Attached is a video of the IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: IDF troops via the Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) for Gaza, transferred over 6,000 liters of water and over 2,300 kg of food, including fish, canned food, bread, spreads, and dates to the Shifa Hospital.
This activity was done in parallel with the IDF activities to locate and thwart terrorism in the hospital.

Furthermore, this morning, the IDF acceded to the request of the director of the Shifa Hospital to enable additional Gazans who were in the hospital and would like to evacuate, to do so via the secure route.

Attached is a recording of a conversation today between a senior officer in the Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) for Gaza and the director of the Shifa Hospital:

Attached is a photo of the transfer of food and water to the Shifa Hospital:

Attached is a related sync of Col. Moshe Tetero, Head of COGAT’s Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) to Gaza:

IDF: The IDF struck Hezbollah terror targets

Earlier today, IDF aircraft struck a number of Hezbollah terror infrastructures.

Furthermore, following the sirens sounded in northern Israel, a number of launches were identified from Lebanon toward Israeli territory.

IDF artillery is striking the sources of the launches.

Attached is a related video:

IDF: The IDF struck Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanon; IDF aircraft struck an advanced surface-to-air system in response to the launch that was carried out toward an IAF aircraft

A short while ago, the IDF struck a number of Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanon, including military compounds and terror posts.

Furthermore, in response to the surface-to-air missile that was launched toward an IDF aircraft overnight and was successfully intercepted, IDF fighter jets struck an advanced surface-to-air system.

Attached is a video of the strike on the advanced surface-to-air system:

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: The IDF is expanding activities in the Gaza Strip; Over the past day, troops of the 36th Division operated in the Zaytun area, and troops of the 162nd Division operated in the Jabalya area. During the operational activity, the troops encountered numerous terrorists

The Southern Command continues expanding its operational activities in additional neighborhoods in the area of the Gaza Strip and conducted operational activity in the areas of Zaytun and Jabalya in order to target terrorists and strike Hamas infrastructure.

Troops of the 36th Division are operating against Hamas’ “Zaytun” Battalion, one of Hamas’ main battalions, in the neighborhood of Zaytun in Gaza City. In parallel, additional troops are operating on the outskirts of Zaytun, including Sheikh Ijlin and Rimal, clearing the areas from terrorists and striking terror infrastructure.

Troops of the 162nd Division are operating on the outskirts of Jabalya. The area is the home of the command and control center of the Northern Gaza Brigade and where one of the most significant terror strongholds are located, in which four Hamas battalions are operating.

Engineering forces, infantry, and armored corps of the divisions, assisted by the IAF, are encountering terrorists who intentionally operate from within civilian areas, and attempt to attack the troops using anti-tank missiles and explosive devices.

During the encounters, numerous terrorists were killed and the troops struck a large number of terror infrastructures, including underground infrastructure and significant targets of the terrorist organization.

Attached is a video of Golani Brigade troops in the Zaytun area encountering terrorists who launched RPGs toward them:

Attached is a video of the killing of two terrorists who booby-trapped a building:

IDF: The IDF struck Hezbollah terror targets; A suspicious target was intercepted in Lebanon

A short while ago, the IDF Aerial Defense Array intercepted a suspicious target in Lebanon.

Moreover, over the last hour, numerous launches were identified from Lebanon toward IDF posts.

In response, IDF tanks and aircraft struck a number of Hezbollah observation posts.

Furthermore, this morning, an IDF UAV carried out an emergency landing in an open area in northern Israel. An initial inquiry indicates that the aircraft was not damaged by enemy fire.
No injuries were reported, and the incident is under review.


A Message from Shalom