Israel Aid

IDF Updates – August 23rd

IDF: A short while ago, a terrorist cell that was planning to fire projectiles from the area of Tayr Harfa in southern Lebanon toward Israeli territory was identified by IDF soldiers and eliminated by the IAF.

Following the elimination, a projectile launch was identified from the area, indicating the presence of weapons and rockets.

Additionally, IDF artillery struck to remove threats in the area of Chebaa in southern Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strike:

IDF: Dozens of terrorists were eliminated during close-quarters combat over the past day in the central and southern Gaza Strip

Over the past day in the area of Khan Yunis and the outskirts of Deir El Balah, IDF troops eliminated dozens of terrorists and dismantled dozens of terrorist infrastructure sites. In one of the strikes, the troops identified a terrorist who posed a threat to them and directed the IAF to eliminate him.
Additionally, areas from which projectiles were launched at communities in southern Israel over the past week were struck.

In the area of Tel al-Sultan in Rafah, the troops eliminated numerous terrorists that posed a threat to the troops.

Furthermore, IDF troops operating in the central Gaza Strip eliminated a terrorist who posed a threat and was armed with explosive material in proximity to the troops. Additionally, a launch post from which projectiles were launched toward the troops was struck.

Over the past day, the IAF struck approximately 30 terror targets in the Gaza Strip, including military structures and posts, weapons storage facilities, and launch sites in the area of Khan Yunis

Attached are photos of IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: Earlier today (Friday), with the direction of IDF and ISA intelligence, the IAF conducted a precise strike on a Hamas command and control center embedded inside a compound that previously served as the “Jaafer Ali Bin Abu Taleb” School in the area of Zeitoun. Hamas used the compound to store large quantities of weapons and conduct terrorist activities in the area.

Prior to the strike, numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including the use of precise munitions, aerial surveillance, and additional intelligence.

The Hamas terrorist organization systematically violates international law and operates from within civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, brutally exploiting the Gazan civilian population for its terrorist activities. The IDF will continue to operate against the Hamas terrorist organization in defense of the State of Israel.

IDF: Following Precise, Intelligence-Based Targeted Operations, the IDF Dismantled a One Kilometer Long Underground Terror Tunnel in the Rafah Area

Since the beginning of the war, the IDF has been working to dismantle and neutralize the Hamas terrorist organization’s underground infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.

Troops of the Southern Gaza Brigade and the Combat Engineering Unit of the Gaza Division, in cooperation with the Yahalom Unit, located and dismantled a Hamas underground attack tunnel route in the Rafah area. The tunnel route that was dismantled was approximately one kilometer in length.

While the tunnel route was located and investigated in the past few weeks, the troops located explosives, electrical infrastructure, and blast doors.

During the operations in the area, the troops identified terrorist activity carried out in and around the tunnel route. Last week (August 11th, 2024), observers of the Gaza Division identified a Hamas terrorist cell that emerged out of the tunnel shaft in the Gaza Strip in order to attack our troops. Directed by the Southern Gaza Brigade’s fire control center, an IAF aircraft struck and eliminated the terrorists.

Attached is footage from the destruction of the tunnel route:

Attached is drone footage from the tunnel route located by the troops of the 414 Unit:

Attached is footage from the engineering activity of the troops in the area:

Attached is footage from the identification and elimination of terrorists which was published last week:

Attached are related photos:

IDF: Over the past few hours, a number of projectiles fired from Lebanese territory were identified crossing into northern Israel. Most of the projectiles fell in open areas in the Upper Galilee and no injuries were reported. Following the siren that sounded at 14:21 in the area of Shtula, it was determined to be a false identification.

The IAF struck and eliminated in the area of Aaita El Zot the terrorist Muhammad Mahmoud Negm, a significant terrorist in Hezbollah’s Rocket and Missile Unit in southern Lebanon.

A short while ago, IDF soldiers identified a Hezbollah terrorist who fired rockets toward the area of Yiftah earlier today (Friday) while he was operating adjacent to a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Meiss El Jabal. The IAF struck the Hezbollah terrorist and the military structure.

In addition, a Hezbollah terrorist who fired rockets toward the area of Malkia today was eliminated in the area of Aitaroun.

Attached is a video of the elimination of the terrorist Muhammad Mahmoud Negm:

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded a short while ago in the area of Sderot, two projectiles were identified crossing from the northern Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. One projectile was intercepted and the other projectile fell in an open area. No injuries were reported.

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded a short while ago in the area of Safed, approximately 20 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into northern Israel. Some of the projectiles were intercepted and the rest fell in open areas. No injuries were reported.

IDF: Attached is an IDF announcement regarding the name of a fallen soldier whose family has been notified:

Additionally, attached is a link to the IDF website, where updates on fallen soldiers are published:

During the incident in which Sergeant First Class (res.) Evyatar Atuar fell, four soldiers in the 6310th Reconnaissance Battalion of the “Jerusalem” Brigade (16th) were severely injured and three additional soldiers were moderately injured.

The soldiers were evacuated to a hospital to receive medical treatment, and their families have been notified.

A Message from Shalom