Israel Aid

IDF Updates – August 5th

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded over the past hour in the upper Galilee, numerous suspicious aerial targets were identified crossing from Lebanon. Multiple interceptors were launched toward the targets and a fall was identified adjacent to Ayelet HaShahar.

As a result of the attack in the area, an IDF officer and soldier were moderately injured and have been evacuated to a hospital to receive medical treatment. Their families have been notified.

Israel Fire Services are currently operating to extinguish a fire that was ignited in the area as a result of the attack.

Following the sirens that sounded over the past hour in the areas of Kiryat Shmona and Kfar Giladi, it was determined to be a false identification.

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded a short while ago in the western Galilee area, an interceptor was fired toward a suspicious aerial target that crossed from Lebanon. The incident has concluded.
Rocket and missile sirens were sounded due to the danger of falling shrapnel from the interceptor.

Additionally, a hostile explosive UAV that crossed from Lebanon fell in the area of Malkia. No injuries were reported.

Overnight, the IAF struck a weapons storage facility and multiple Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure sites in the area of Kfarkela in southern Lebanon.

Furthermore, IDF artillery fired toward the areas of Chebaa and Rachaya Al Foukhar in southern Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strike on the weapons storage facility:

IDF: A short while ago, a report was received regarding a shooting toward the community of Beka’ot in the area of the Jordan Valley. No injuries were reported.

IDF troops are conducting scans and blocking routes in the area.

IDF: Yesterday (Sunday), with the direction of IDF intelligence, the IAF eliminated Abed Al-Zeriei, a terrorist operative in the Manufacturing Department of Hamas’ Military Wing, who also served as Hamas’ Minister of Economy in the Gaza Strip.
The Manufacturing Department operates to increase Hamas’ weapons capabilities, including by exchanging information with other terrorist organizations across the Middle East.
Al-Zeriei had a significant role in directing Hamas’ efforts to seize control of humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip and in managing Hamas-controlled markets. Furthermore, he was responsible for the distribution of fuel, gas, and funds for terrorist purposes.

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded a short while ago in communities near the Gaza Strip, approximately 15 projectiles crossed from southern Gaza into Israeli territory. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted multiple projectiles, and several fell in the areas of Re’im and the Geha Interchange.

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded at 11:50 in northern Israel, the IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target that crossed from Lebanon into the area of Metula in northern Israel.
Sirens regarding rocket and missile launches were sounded due to the danger of falling shrapnel from the interceptors.

In parallel, an additional suspicious aerial target was identified and intercepted in the coastal area of Nahariyya. No sirens were sounded according to protocol.

Following the sirens that sounded at 10:05 in northern Israel, numerous projectiles crossed from Lebanon into Israeli territory. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted the projectiles. No injuries were reported.

Earlier this morning, IDF soldiers identified a terrorist cell operating a drone in the area of Meiss El Jabal in southern Lebanon. Shortly following the identification, the IAF struck and eliminated the terrorists.

Attached is a video of the strike:

IDF: The Commanding Officer of the Northern Command to the Heads of the Authorities in the North: “Our Future Offensive Plans Are Ready and We Are Prepared”

Yesterday (Sunday), the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, MG Ori Gordin, met with the heads of the authorities in the north.
During the meeting, a conversation was held with the heads of the authorities during which the staff officers of the Northern Command reviewed the main points of the situational assessment so far and presented the preparation of the troops in the region in the face of the various threats.

From the remarks of the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, MG Ori Gordin: “I want you to know that our future offensive plans are ready, and we are prepared, across all units, including me down to the last soldier. We have targeted and destroyed a lot in the last ten months, but we still have work to do, we are determined and committed. We are determined to change the situation here in the north and bring our residents back home. This meeting with you is an integral part of our readiness and preparedness. There is no substitute for the close connection between us and you, the authorities, and through you, with the residents. This connection must continue, together. Much appreciation to you for your efforts and especially for our partnership, both currently and in the future.”

Attached is a related video:

Attached are related photos:

IDF: Four IDF reservist soldiers from the 9215th Battalion of the 205th Brigade were severely injured earlier today (Monday) during combat in southern Gaza. The soldiers have been evacuated to a hospital to receive medical treatment and their families have been notified.

IDF: The Commander of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), General (* * * *) Michael Erik Kurilla arrived in Israel today (Monday) as the official guest of the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi.

The Chief of the General Staff and CENTCOM Commander held a joint situational assessment on security and strategic issues, as well as joint preparations in the region, as part of the response to threats in the Middle East.

The IDF will continue to deepen its relationship with the United States Armed Forces stemming from a commitment to strengthening regional stability and coordination between the two militaries.

Attached is a related photo:

IDF: Today (Monday), the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, held a situational assessment and approval of operational plans for the various scenarios, with the Deputy Chief of the General Staff, the Head of the Intelligence Directorate (J2), the Head of the Operations Directorate (J3), the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, the Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force, the Commanding Officer of the Home Front Command and other commanders from the General Staff Forum.

Attached is a related video:

Attached is a related photo:

A Message from Shalom