Israel Aid

IDF Updates – December 12th

IDF: Rocket launch post used to fire at the Israeli city of Sderot struck by the IAF; IDF operations against Hamas continue in the Gaza Strip

Over the past day, the IAF struck a number of launch posts used to fire rockets at Israelis across the country from inside the Gaza Strip. IDF troops in Jabalya identified a post launching rockets toward the city of Sderot. In response, the forces directed an aircraft that struck the launch post.

IDF troops conducted a targeted raid on a Hamas compound and located approximately 250 rockets, shells, and RPGs that were ready for use, as well as other weapons and military equipment. IDF troops also struck a weapon production factory where they located hundreds of grenades, rockets, and M72 LAW rockets.

Furthermore, Israeli naval forces identified a terrorist cell that was firing at the ground troops in the Gaza Strip and struck the cell.

Attached is a video of the strike on the launch post and weapons depot:

Attached is a video of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is a video of IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of IDF troops in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is a photo of the shells located by the IDF:

IDF: A short while ago, two launches were identified from Lebanon toward Malkia in northern Israel. IDF artillery is striking the sources of the fire.
Alerts were activated in an open area according to protocol.

IDF: A look inside – Hamas prepared civilian residences with combat positions and weapons for extended combat against IDF soldiers

Soldiers of the Nahal Brigade operating in the Jabalya area in the northern Gaza Strip located several combat posts and weapons caches used by the Hamas terrorist organization in a residential area and near a school.

The weapons cache located included RPG missiles and launchers of various types, explosive devices, grenades, AK-47 style rifles, magazines and military vests. The combat equipment was taken by the soldiers, some of which was detonated on site and other materials were processed for further examination. All of the terror infrastructure found was located near civilian buildings and infrastructure.

As part of the operation, the soldiers demolished the residence of a Nukhba terrorist prepared for attacking IDF soldiers. The residence served as a command center of the Hamas terrorist organization and contained combat-related documents and laptops belonging to Hamas which contained operational plans for the October 7 massacre.

This is further proof of the cynical use by Hamas of the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shields.

Attached is footage of the activities of the Nahal Brigade:

IDF: Following the sirens sounding in the western Galilee, a short while ago, the IAF Aerial Control Unit identified a suspicious aerial target that crossed from Lebanon into Israeli territory.

A number of interceptors were launched at the target and the incident has concluded.

IDF: Engaging terrorists, destroying tunnel networks and locating rockets and weaponry: Operations of the Paratroopers Brigade in Zaytun and Shejaiya

The Paratroopers Brigade operated over the past week in the Zaytun and Shejaiya areas in the heart of Gaza City. The soldiers eliminated terrorists, apprehended terrorists for interrogations, uncovered underground tunnels and destroyed four main underground tunnel networks. During searches in the areas and the residences of Hamas operatives, soldiers of the 7421st Battalion found ready-to-launch Grad missiles, hundreds of explosive devices, dozens of weapons, and a lathe used to produce rockets. Additionally, soldiers of the 202nd Battalion discovered several memory cards containing materials filmed by Hamas terrorists on Saturday, October 7th.

Commander of the Paratroopers Brigade:
“The most important thing is first and foremost our ability to protect one another, to complete the mission and return everyone home safely. You are doing incredible work – you are the Maccabees of this generation.”

Attached are drone images from the elimination of terrorist cell by a tank gunner of the 202nd Battalion:

Attached are photos of a weapons manufacturing lathe and weapons confiscated by soldiers of the 202nd Battalion:

IDF: Hezbollah operatives launched a number of rockets yesterday at Israel from Lebanon near a U.N. compound and a school, for the second time in the past week

Yesterday, the Hezbollah terrorist organization once again launched several rockets toward Israeli territory. One of the rockets was launched 130 meters from a U.N. compound in southern Lebanon. Additional launches toward Israel have originated from this area in recent weeks.

By continuing to fire from areas near U.N. compounds, Hezbollah systematically violates UNSC Resolution 1701 and endangers the lives of UNIFIL soldiers. The UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander was notified of the incident.

Attached is an infographic of the launches from the area of the U.N. compound:

IDF: The IDF recovered the bodies of the hostages Eden Zakaria and (SGM) Ziv Dado

During an operation in Gaza, the bodies of the hostages Eden Zakaria and (SGM) Ziv Dado were recovered by IDF Special Forces and brought back to Israel.

After an identification procedure carried out by medical officials and military rabbis together with the Institute of Forensic Medicine and the Israel Police, today (Tuesday) IDF and Israel Police representatives informed the families of Eden Zakaria and (SGM) Ziv Dado, who were taken hostage by the Hamas terrorist organization on October 7th, that their bodies had been recovered and returned to Israel.

Eden (27) was taken hostage from the Re’im music festival and Ziv (36) was taken hostage and fell while serving as a logistics supervisor in the Golani Brigade’s 51st Battalion, and until today was recognized as a fallen soldier in captivity.
The IDF sends the families its heartfelt condolences and will continue to support them.

During the operations that enabled the location of the bodies, IDF soldiers in reserve duty (MSG) Gal Meir Eisenkot and (MSG) Eyal Meir Berkowitz fell in battle and additional soldiers were injured.

Our national mission is to locate the missing and return all the hostages home. We are working together with security agencies, and with all intelligence and operational means in order to return all of the hostages home.

Attached is a photo of the hostages’ bodies being returned to Israel:

IDF: Please find attached the evening briefing in English by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

A Message from Shalom