Israel Aid

IDF Updates – December 14th

IDF: The IDF is continuing operations against terrorists in Shejaiya, Jabalya and Khan Yunis

Over the last day, IDF infantry soldiers engaged and eliminated terrorists during close-quarters combat in the northern Gaza Strip. In one incident, Armored Corps troops fired at and killed Hamas operatives who were spotted observing the soldiers. IDF troops also conducted searches in a central operating site for Hamas’ Shejaiya Battalion located inside a school compound. During the searches, the troops located firing positions used to carry out attacks on IDF troops. The troops completed the mission of targeting the terrorists and then dismantled military infrastructure found in the compound.

Furthermore, IDF special forces conducted targeted raids on a number of locations in the area of Khan Yunis where they located weapons, grenades, and Kalashnikov rifles. The forces destroyed two tunnel shafts, a rocket launching pit and a weapons storage facility.

During operational activity to dismantle terrorist infrastructure in Jabalya, IDF troops seized weapons, and engaged and killed a number of terrorists.

IDF combat intelligence troops also identified a Hamas sniper firing from a building toward IDF troops. The troops directed the IAF to conduct a precise strike against the sniper inside the building.

Attached is video footage of the identification and precise strike on the Hamas sniper:

Attached are photos of the IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is video footage of the IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: Earlier today, a launch was identified from Lebanon toward Shomera in northern Israel.

A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck terrorist infrastructure and military compounds belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Lebanon.

Attached is a related video:

Joint IDF and ISA announcement:

Exiting the hospital with weapons in hand: IDF and ISA apprehended dozens of terror operatives in the Gaza Strip and transferred them for further questioning by the IDF 504 intelligence unit and the ISA

During operational activity in the area of the Kamal Adwan Hospital, IDF troops located a building used by Hamas terrorist operatives and located weapons inside. Additionally, during engagements with terrorists in the area of the hospital, a number of terrorists were killed by IDF troops.

During IDF activity in the area, over 70 terrorist operatives came out of the hospital with weapons in hand. The terrorists were transferred to field interrogators from Unit 504 in the Intelligence Directorate and ISA coordinators for further questioning.

Attached are related photos:

Attached is a related video:

Attached is a sync of 460th Brigade Commander, Col. Dvir Edri:

IDF: 1 in 5 Hezbollah rockets fired toward Israel have fallen inside Lebanon

Since October 7th, Hezbollah has fired hundreds of rockets and missiles from Lebanon toward Israel. In one barrage of rocket fire this week, eight rockets fired by Hezbollah fell inside Lebanese territory. Overall, approximately one in five rockets fired by Hezbollah since October 7th toward Israel have fallen inside Lebanese territory. Hezbollah’s rocket attacks harm Israeli and Lebanese civilians alike.

By continuing to operate and fire projectiles and UAVs from southern Lebanon at Israel, Hezbollah is violating UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

The IDF will continue to defend Israel’s northern border from any threat.

Attached is an infographic of Hezbollah failed launches during a barrage of rockets fired this week:

IDF: A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah infrastructure and a military building. In addition, an IAF aircraft struck a terrorist cell in Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strike on the terrorist cell:

Joint IDF and ISA Announcement:

Special footage: Hamas terrorists killed inside terror tunnels

This evening, the IDF and ISA reveal special footage from an operation that took place in recent days, in which IDF soldiers killed terrorists underground in one of the major tunnels of the Hamas terrorist organization.
The tunnel was exposed by the Northern Brigade of the Gaza Division in cooperation with the ISA. The terrorists were identified and killed by soldiers of the Combat Engineering Yahalom Unit using a variety of means.

Attached is footage of the killed terrorists inside a tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip:

IDF: Please find attached the translated evening briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

A Message from Shalom