Israel Aid

IDF Updates – December 22nd

IDF: Over a million dollars to finance cement was located: the 98th Division identified intelligence materials during its operations in the area of Khan Yunis

For the past three weeks, the soldiers of the 98th Division have been operating in the Khan Yunis area, during which they are destroying enemy and terrorist infrastructure. The forces eliminated many terrorists in close-quarter battles, located dozens of tunnel shafts that were destroyed and exposed significant intelligence materials that contributed to increasing the effectiveness of the operation.

In the last week, as the operation in Khan Yunis intensified, the Kfir Brigade joined the divisional strike, joining the Armored, Infantry and Commando Brigades.

The operation is accompanied by a close and precise fire plan known as the “Fire Belt”. The 214th Artillery Brigade and the Commando Brigade strike using guided and accurate weapons such as the ‘Iron Sting’ and other precision missiles. So far, hundreds of terrorist targets have been struck. In addition, the IDF and ISA forces eliminated many terrorists through airstrikes, including the Head of Khan Yunis’s UAV Array, the Commander of the Observation Company and field-level Nukhba Commanders in the Khan Yunis Brigade.

In addition, during the activity of the forces in the area, a report addressed to the Commander of the Hamas’ Khan Yunis Brigade was found, regarding the financial expenses for 2022. This is the amount paid to Hamas’ battalions to cover the expenses of the production of doors and concrete during this year. The expenses exceed one million dollars. Attached is an image of the report:

Attached are photos of the 98th Division in Khan Yunis:

IDF: Large quantities of weapons and a rocket launcher used to fire at Israel during the last week were located in the central Gaza Strip

During an operation in the area of Juhor ad-Dik, IDF troops located a weapons storage facility containing large quantities of weapons, as well as long-range rocket launchers from which rockets were fired toward Israeli territory. The launchers were destroyed in an aerial strike.

Over the past day, IDF troops also located large numbers of weapons inside a residence in Khan Yunis, including explosive devices as well as other weapons, ammunition, and military equipment.

IDF troops directed an IAF fighter jet to strike a Hamas engineering operative responsible for planting explosive devices near IDF troops. A terrorist cell that endangered the troops was struck.

Furthermore, a terrorist cell that exited from a tunnel and fired an RPG at IDF troops was struck and the tunnel route was destroyed.

Over the past two days, IDF troops have conducted intelligence-based targeted raids on compounds where Hamas terrorists were operating in a school on the outskirts of Shati. The troops located large quantities of weapons, ammunition, and maps belonging to Hamas.

In addition, IDF troops operated in southern Gaza City and located numerous weapons, shells, and explosive devices in a residence adjacent to a kindergarten. The troops also located a ready-to-use RPG on the windowsill of another residence, and a rocket launcher which was loaded and aimed at Israeli communities in southern Israel.

Overnight, the Israeli Navy carried out strikes on Hamas terror targets along the coastline to assist forces operating on the ground in the Gaza Strip.

Attached are photos of located weapons:

IDF: Over the last few hours, a number of launches from Lebanon toward northern Israel were identified. IDF artillery struck the sources of the fire.

A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, including military sites where Hezbollah terrorists operated, as well as terrorist infrastructure.

IDF: From defense to offense: the soldiers of the 5th Brigade’s combat team move from defense to offense and operate for the first time in the Gaza Strip; the operation to gain operational control over the Kasbah area in Beit Hanoun

The 5th Brigade’s combat team conducted operational activity in the Kasbah complex in Beit Hanoun last week. The soldiers of the combat team – together with aerial fire support, observation posts and combat engineering forces – cleared the area of ​​the Kasbah, eliminated terrorists, struck dozens of terrorist targets and infrastructure.

Among other things, the forces collected many weapons including Kalashnikov type weapons, grenades, cartridges and ammunition boxes, mortar bombs and vests – including IDF vests. In addition, the forces located uniforms of the Hamas terrorist organization, including children’s uniforms, Hamas documents and telephones, and an IDF kitbag. The forces located several tunnel shafts in the homes of Hamas operatives, the largest of which was in a school. From these tunnels terrorists attacked the forces the day before the brigade’s operation.

The soldiers of the 5th Brigade’s combat team completed the mission of protecting the communities and kibbutzim in southern Israel, in which the brigade participated in the effort to neutralize the area of ​​terrorists since the beginning of the war. They conducted a number of cross-fence operations to uncover tunnel shafts and terrorist infrastructure and destroy them. As well as working to locate areas, securing works on the security fence and the repair of means of observation, the security of farmers in the area and overall support.

Attached is footage from the operation of the 5th Brigade in the Kasbah area in Beit Hanoun:

Attached are photos of weapons that were located during the operation:

IDF: Close-Quarters Combat with Terrorists: Nahal Brigade Operations in the Northern Gaza Strip

Over the past few weeks, soldiers from the Nahal Brigade in the 162nd Division have been operating in the northern Gaza Strip. The forces encountered and killed numerous terrorists, destroyed Hamas terror infrastructure and located large quantities of weapons.

During their operations, the 931st Battalion of the Nahal Brigade encountered terrorists who had positioned themselves inside a civilian residence. The terrorists were on the third floor of a building and launched grenades at the troops. After arriving at the building, the soldiers encountered the terrorists and killed them with precise fire. During scans made afterward in the area, a camera was located on the body of one of the terrorists. Footage was found on the camera of terrorists planting explosive devices and setting up booby traps aimed at attacking IDF troops.

Attached is a video from the camera found on the body of the terrorist:

Attached is a video of operations of the Nahal Brigade in the northern Gaza Strip, in which launchers and weapons were found:

Attached is a video of the Nahal Brigade troops in close-quarters combat:

Attached is footage of the Nahal Brigade operation:

IDF: Attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on 1 fallen soldier have been published:

In addition, attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on soldiers who were injured have been published:

IDF: Following the report regarding sirens sounding in Manara, a number of launches were identified from Lebanon toward Israel. In addition, a number of mortar launches were identified from Lebanon toward Metula.

IDF artillery struck the sources of fire.

Earlier today, an IDF fighter jet struck infrastructure and a military site belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Lebanon.

IDF: Over the past few weeks, IDF troops conducted operational activity in the Issa area in the southern part of Gaza City; a tunnel network serving as an underground post and numerous buildings used as Hamas headquarters were destroyed

As part of operations in the south of Gaza City, soldiers of the Yiftah Battalion (11th) and combat engineering forces struck Hamas headquarters in the Issa area. The soldiers identified a terrorist cell attempting to attack the forces and eliminated them in close-quarters combat. In the operations in the Issa area, many Hamas terrorists were eliminated, along with many buildings used for terrorist activities and weapons that were destroyed.

Soldiers of the Paratroopers Brigade who were operating in the area located and discovered a number of shafts leading to a significant undergound tunnel route.

Soldiers of the Yahalom Unit and the Oketz K-9 Unit examined the significant and strategic underground tunnel route beneath the “Issa” post – used as an underground base by the Hamas terrorist organization. This multi-level structure served as an underground post. Its floors were used for storage, hideouts, command and control, and movement of operatives between different areas. After investigating with various technological means and in collaboration with the combat engineering forces of the 99th Division, the soldiers destroyed the underground tunnel route.

The IDF released footage from the Marom Brigade’s Oketz K-9 Unit’s dog cameras, revealing a tunnel network hundreds of meters long, including command and communication rooms, hideouts with dozens of meters of space, concrete bunkers, and water and electricity installations. So far in the war, the unit’s soldiers and dogs have scanned dozens of tunnels, locating findings that allow the forces to enter the tunnels.

Attached is footage from the Oketz K-9 Unit’s dog camera inside the tunnel:

Attached is a 3D model from the Yahalom Unit, showing the tunnel network beneath the Issa area:

Attached is footage of the exposure of tunnel shafts in the Issa area:

Attached is an aerial photo showing exposed tunnel shafts in the area:

Attached is a video of strike on the tunnel underneath the Issa area:

IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“A UN resolution passed a few hours ago and was adopted by the Security Council. It includes a demand for the unconditional immediate release of the hostages held by Hamas and to allow humanitarian access to address their medical needs. We call on the international community and international organizations to enforce this resolution.”

Please find attached the translated evening briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

A Message from Shalom