Israel Aid

IDF Updates – December 2nd

IDF: The IDF is continuing to operate in the Gaza Strip

In the past hours, terror infrastructure in the Gaza Strip was targeted and struck. The targets included operational command centers in which Hamas terrorists were operating, underground sites, and a military compound from which anti-tank missiles were launched at soldiers earlier today.

Furthermore, the IDF eliminated a number of terrorist cells throughout the Gaza Strip, including a terrorist cell of over 10 terrorists. The cell was operating adjacent to ground troops and identified by IDF observation soldiers.

Additionally, in joint ground and aerial activity, IDF forces thwarted two terrorist cells that launched mortar shells toward IDF troops in the Gaza Strip.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

Attached is a video of the strike on a terrorist cell that was observed by observation troops:

IDF: Please find attached the translated evening briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

IDF: Following the report regarding sirens that sounded overnight in Moshav Dishon in northern Israel, several launches from Lebanese territory toward Israel were identified. In accordance with protocol, no interceptors were launched.
In response, IDF artillery struck the area from which the launch was carried out, and an IDF aircraft struck the cell that carried out the launch.

The IDF is continuing to strike in the Gaza Strip

Over the past day, the IDF struck over 400 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip.

Overnight, IAF fighter jets struck over 50 targets in the area of Khan Yunis.

IDF troops struck terrorists and Hamas infrastructure in the area of Beit Lahia using tank fire and directing aerial strikes.

IDF troops carried out artillery fire and directed aerial strikes in the northern Gaza Strip. These strikes included a strike by an aircraft on a terrorist cell that was ambushing IDF troops and a strike by a fighter jet on a mosque used by the Islamic Jihad as an operational command center.

Furthermore, IDF troops directed aircraft to strike terror targets and struck other targets from the ground and from the air. Among the targets were a weapons storage compound and terror infrastructure used for renewal of Hamas’ terror capabilities.

Moreover, overnight, Israeli Navy troops carried out a targeted operational activity in the Khan Yunis marina and Deir al-Balah in the southern Gaza Strip, during which they struck Hamas military targets using precise munitions, as well as striking infrastructure and equipment used by the Hamas Naval Forces.

IDF troops also thwarted terrorist cells and directed fire against terror targets in the northern Gaza Strip.

Attached is a video of a strike on terrorists in western Jabalya:

Attached is a video of IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is a video of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are related photos:

IDF: A short while ago, two mortar shell launches toward the area of Shomera in northern Israel were identified. The mortars fell in open areas.

In response, the IDF struck the source of the launches and fired artillery toward a number of locations in Lebanese territory.

IDF: The IDF is striking Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in Lebanese territory with aircraft, mortar fire and artillery fire.

In addition, a short while ago, a number of launches toward IDF posts in the area of the Lebanese border were identified. In response, the IDF is striking the sources of the fire.

IDF: Attached is a link of the IDF website, where further updates on the fallen soldiers have been published:

IDF: Documentation of operational activity by the 551st Reserve Brigade’s Combat Team on the outskirts of Jabalya

The reservists of the 551st Brigade Combat Team completed their task in the area surrounding Jabalya. During the activity, which began before the operational pause, the soldiers located and destroyed operational tunnel shafts of the Hamas terrorist organization. One tunnel shaft, located in the courtyard of a school complex had a depth of dozens of meters. Another operational tunnel shaft was located in the home of an operative from Hamas’ naval force.

The soldiers, in cooperation with special forces, worked to neutralize the underground infrastructure and they secured and isolated the areas to the north of Jabalya.

As part of the activity, the soldiers neutralized terrorists, while cooperating with the IAF and the brigade’s intelligence and fire teams. In addition, the soldiers of the brigade destroyed enemy capabilities and terrorist targets, and seized a large amount of military equipment, including weapons, grenades, explosives, launchers and ammunition.

Attached is footage of the activity of the 551st Brigade’s forces:

Attached is footage of locating a tunnel shaft near a school in the northern Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of soldiers of the brigade:

Attached are photos of the weapons found by the Brigade’s forces:

Joint IDF and ISA announcement:

The IDF and ISA eliminated Hamas’ Shejaiya Battalion Commander, who was responsible for the killing of six IDF soldiers during “Operation Protective Edge” and sent Hamas “Nukhba” terrorists to Kibbutz Nahal Oz and the Nahal Oz IDF post on October 7th

Earlier today, following precise IDF and ISA intelligence, IAF fighter jets eliminated Hamas’ Shejaiya Battalion Commander, Wessam Farhat.

Farhat began his command over the battalion in 2010 and commanded it during Operation “Protective Edge” – during which he ordered terrorists to target IDF soldiers in Shejaiya, including a dual attack that resulted in the deaths of six IDF soldiers.

He took part in the planning of the October 7th massacre, during which, he directed Hamas “Nuhkba” terrorists to infiltrate the Nahal Oz Kibbutz and IDF post. In addition, Farhat was one of the masterminds of the 2002 terror attack on Mechinat Atzmona, in which five Israeli civilians were killed. Moreover, he was one of the masterminds of the anti-tank missile terror attack on a civilian bus in Nahal Oz in 2011, in which an Israeli child was killed.

In 1995, while he was on his way to carry out a suicide attack in Israel, Farhat was apprehended by security forces and imprisoned in an Israeli prison for ten years. Following his return to Gaza, he worked in rocket production for the Hamas terrorist organization.

Since the beginning of the war, the IDF and ISA have significantly degraded the Shejaiya Battalion’s capabilities, including the elimination of their senior commanders and the striking of terror infrastructure and weapons.

A Message from Shalom