Israel Aid

IDF Updates – December 31st

IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“Ori (Megidish) had two requests: that the IDF and the ISA continue to do everything operationally and intelligence-wise to bring the hostages home. She also asked to convey a message to the world, and tonight I wish to present her words.”

IDF: Please find attached the translated evening briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, along with a message from Ori Megidish in English:

IDF: IDF troops located and neutralized explosives planted inside a Gazan kindergarten

During searches of residences used for terrorist activity on the outskirts of Shati, IDF troops encountered a kindergarten where terrorist infrastructure – including explosive devices – had been assembled in anticipation of the troops’ activity. The soldiers neutralized the explosive devices.

Furthermore, IDF troops identified four terrorists who were carrying explosive devices advancing toward them. An IAF aircraft thwarted the cell. Approximately half an hour later, the troops identified four additional terrorists in the area, who were subsequently targeted in an aerial strike. Simultaneously, a vehicle with terrorists inside was identified approaching IDF troops in southern Gaza City. An aircraft struck the cell, resulting in the elimination of the terrorists.

Additionally, an IAF fighter jet, directed by IDF troops, struck a military compound from which terrorists had detonated an explosive device at IDF soldiers.

During an IDF operation to thwart terror activity in Beit Lahia, the troops identified three Hamas terrorists entering a framed building. The troops then directed an IAF aircraft that struck the terrorists with precision.

IDF troops from the Desert Reconnaissance Battalion (Bedouin Battalion) operated in the southern Gaza Strip in order to locate terrorist infrastructure and uncovered two tunnel shafts, which they uncovered in cooperation with armored and engineering forces using tanks and D-9.

IDF troops operating in Khan Yunis identified three terrorists and directed an aircraft strike that killed one of them. Following that, the two remaining terrorists were identified carrying an RPG between buildings and an IDF tank fired toward them.

In addition, three terrorists were identified by IDF troops who then directed an aircraft that killed all three.

Overnight, in order to assist the ground forces, IAF fighter jets struck dozens of terror targets including military compounds, terrorist infrastructure, and a tunnel. Israeli Naval forces also assisted ground forces with strikes on terror targets.

Attached is a video of terrorist infrastructure located in a kindergarten:

Attached are photos of the shafts located in the southern Gaza Strip:

Attached is a video of IDF strikes:

Attached are photos of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: Attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on two fallen soldiers have been published:

In addition, attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on soldiers who were injured have been published:

IDF: This morning, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure and military structures in the area of Ramyeh in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah is operating from behind the civilian population in Ramyeh, which it uses as a center for its terrorist activity and attacks against Israelis.

Yesterday (Saturday), anti-tank missiles were fired from Lebanon toward the Upper Galilee. In response, the IDF struck Hezbollah observation posts in the areas of Amra and Khiam, one of which was used to fire the anti-tank missiles.

Hezbollah’s ongoing terrorist activity and attacks against Israel violate UN Security Council Resolution 1701. The IDF will continue to defend its borders from any threat.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: Terrorist centers located within civilian areas: Body-cam footage from operations of the Maglan Unit in Khan Yunis

Soldiers of the Maglan Unit of the Commando Brigade are continuing to operate in the Khan Yunis area in the southern Gaza Strip. The soldiers are coordinating operations with armored, engineering, and IAF units to locate and destroy terrorist infrastructure and kill terrorists in close-quarters combat scenarios.

Following precise intelligence, Maglan Unit soldiers conducted a targeted raided on terrorist infrastructure used for shooting at IDF soldiers, embedded within a civilian building in Khan Yunis. The building serves as an education office, community center, and a school. The soldiers discovered rocket launchers, documents and materials belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization within the building.

In other targeted raids conducted by the unit in the area, guided by intelligence, soldiers found large quantities of weapons, including grenades and ammunition hidden inside a closet in a bedroom.

Attached is body-cam footage from operations of the Maglan Unit in Khan Yunis:

IDF: Neutralizing threats, saving soldiers from operating in a house with terrorists: Footage from operations of the Oketz Unit in the Gaza Strip

Combat soldiers and dogs of the Oketz Unit accompany troops on the ground in the Gaza Strip. In many instances, the unit’s dogs were sent to conduct initial scanning before the soldiers raided terrorist infrastructure. The dogs identified various threats, thereby preventing harm to our forces. Additionally, the dogs map houses and locate weapons and explosives.

During a joint operation with 460th Brigade in the Jabalia area, a dog named Patrick scanned the location before the forces entered the building. During the scan, Patrick detected a terrorist prepared to ambush the forces at the entrance and neutralized him, thus preventing an escalation.

In another operation in the Rimal area, during a scan by a dog named Toy, a corridor was found connecting the building where the soldiers were located to another building where a terrorist was lying in ambush. Toy neutralized the terrorist, thus saving the force from operating in a dangerous building.

Attached is footage from the operations of the Oketz Unit:

Attached is footage of the mapping of a building Oketz Unit soldiers and their dogs:

IDF: Earlier today, two launches were identified from Lebanon toward Israeli territory. IDF artillery struck the sources of the shooting.

Throughout the day, IDF tanks and helicopters targeted three terrorist squads operating in Lebanon.

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded regarding the infiltration of a hostile aircraft in northern Israel, IAF soldiers identified a hostile aerial target that crossed from Syria into Israeli territory. IAF fighter jets successfully intercepted the target.

IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“Tonight, the year of 2024 begins. The objectives of the war require prolonged fighting, and we are preparing accordingly. We are wisely planning the management of the forces operating in the field, looking at the reserve system, the economy, refreshing forces, and continuing the combat training processes in the IDF.”

IDF: Please find attached the translated evening briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

A Message from Shalom