IDF Updates – February 9th

IDF: A short while ago, the IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target above the Haifa maritime space. In accordance with protocol, no sirens were sounded.

IDF: Combat in the Gaza Strip continues; IDF troops eliminated a terrorist cell that planted explosive devices near the troops in western Khan Yunis

Over the last day, IDF naval, air, and ground troops continued to conduct joint operational activity in the Gaza Strip, eliminating terrorist cells and destroying terrorist infrastructure. In addition to the combat conducted in the area of Khan Yunis, the troops eliminated several terrorists in northern and central Gaza.

IDF ground troops are continuing to conduct targeted raids in western Khan Yunis. IDF special forces raided a compound in the area used by Hamas terrorists to carry out attacks on IDF troops. Additionally, IDF troops identified a terrorist cell that planted explosive devices near the troops operating in the area. Following their identification, IDF troops directed an aircraft to strike and eliminate the terrorist cell.

As part of the combat in Khan Yunis, IDF troops identified two terrorists carrying weapons emerging from terror infrastructure in the area. Through coordination between IDF ground and air troops, the terrorists were successfully struck and eliminated.

During operational activity in western Khan Yunis, the troops eliminated 15 terrorists. Additionally, the troops conducted targeted raids on terrorist infrastructure, during which several weapons, including AK-47s, ammunition magazines, and grenades were identified.
During additional operational activity in the area, IDF ground troops directed an aircraft to strike several buildings rigged with explosive devices located near the troops. Furthermore, during targeted raids on terror targets in the area, the troops located weapons, military equipment, and technological equipment.

In the area of Beit Lahia, IDF troops identified an armed terrorist cell operating in an area adjacent to a Hamas military post. In response, an aircraft was directed to the terrorist cell’s location before they were able to carry the attack they had planned, and two additional armed terrorists who were operating adjacent to the terrorist cell were identified. Following this, aircraft struck and eliminated the cell, as well as the two terrorists.

Attached is a video of the strikes on the terrorist cells in Beit Lahia and Khan Yunis:

Attached is video footage of the elimination of the terrorists in the area of western Khan Yunis:

Attached are photos of the IDF’s operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: Rocket launchers near a kindergarten and an underground tunnel route beneath a civilian water station; operations of the 646th Brigade in Khan Yunis

The 646th Reserve Brigade is operating in the Khan Yunis area. As part of their activity, the reserve soldiers are conducting targeted raids on terrorist infrastructure, encountering the enemy, eliminating terrorists and locating many weapons.

During a targeted raid, troops located rocket launchers placed by Hamas terrorists near a kindergarten and mosque. The launchers, loaded and aimed at the territory of the State of Israel, were destroyed by the forces. Additionally, during searches of a civilian water facility in the area, the forces found a tunnel shaft leading to an underground tunnel route inside the facility. Operations inside the tunnel revealed two eliminated terrorists.

Furthermore, during a targeted raid on assets used by Hamas operatives, many weapons were found: RPG missiles, explosives, AK-47s, military uniforms and vests.

Attached is footage showing a rocket launcher discovered near a kindergarten:

Attached are images of the weapons found by the soldiers:

Attached are images of the tunnel shaft and the terrorist eliminated by the forces in the area:

Attached are related photos:

IDF: The Commanding Officer of the Northern Command in a conversation with the heads of the local councils in the north: “Our goal – to change the security situation in the north in a way that will allow the residents’ safe return”

The Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, MG Ori Gordin, met today (Friday) with the heads of the evacuated councils in the north. The meeting was held at the command headquarters and included a discussion with the heads of the local councils. In addition, a summary of intelligence and operational situational assessment, the command’s operations during the war, and the processes of accelerating readiness for continued fighting in the northern sector were presented.

MG Gordin emphasized to the heads of the councils that these meetings are an integral part of conducting the war and that the connection between the IDF and the local leadership is of great importance to the command’s operations during war.

Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, MG Ori Gordin:
“Our goal is to change the security situation in the north in a manner that will allow us to safely return the residents home to a state of security. We are determined to change the security reality that is already shifting these days and continue to prepare for an expansion of the war and to go on the offensive – this is our mission. We will continue to carry out the defensive battle, to strike Hezbollah and to deny its capabilities. Our mission is to protect the residents and communities of the north. The way we operate, and intend to continue, is partnership, full partnership with you and the residents. The residents of the north are what give us strength to continue, they are the tailwind that allows us to achieve the accomplishments we have reached so far in the north.”

Attached are related photos:

A Message from Shalom