Israel Aid

IDF Updates – January 10th

IDF: IDF ground operations are expanding in the city of Khan Yunis; Dozens of terrorists were killed; Large quantities of weapons and underground terror tunnel shafts were located

Over the past day, IDF troops expanded ground operations in Khan Yunis and conducted strikes in which approximately 40 terrorists were killed. In addition, significant terror tunnel shafts were located, as well as a variety of weapons, including twelve AK-47 rifles, four loaded RPG launchers, dozens of grenades, cartridges, and military vests.

Furthermore, IDF ground troops conducted a targeted raid on a military compound in Khan Yunis, located a terrorist armed with an AK-47 rifle and five cartridges, and killed him.

During operational activity in Maghazi, following IDF intelligence, IDF troops identified terrorist operatives from Hamas’ Central Camps Brigade in the area. The forces directed an IDF aircraft that struck and killed the terrorist cell.

The Israeli Navy also struck military posts, storage facilities, and vessels used by Hamas’ naval forces.

Attached is a video of IDF strikes on terror targets in the Gaza Strip over the past day:

Attached is a video of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is a video of Israeli Navy activity:

Attached are photos of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: Following the sirens regarding rocket alerts that sounded in northern Israel earlier today (Tuesday), a number of launches were identified from Lebanon toward the areas of Malkia and Yiftach.

Furthermore, following the sirens that sounded regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration in northern Israel this morning, interceptors were launched toward several hostile aerial targets that crossed from Lebanon into Israeli territory. A hostile aircraft fell at an IDF base in northern Israel. No injuries or damage were reported.

Earlier today, IAF fighter jets struck terror infrastructure in the area of Kfarkela in southern Lebanon. A short while ago, IDF soldiers struck a UAV launch squad in southern Lebanon. IDF artillery is also striking the sources of the launches fired into northern Israel.

Hezbollah’s ongoing terrorist activity and attacks against Israel violate UN Security Council Resolution 1701. The IDF will continue to defend its borders from any threat.

Attached is a video of the IDF strikes:

Attached is a video of the strike on the launching squad:

IDF: Footage from the front line: Paratrooper forces battle terrorists in close-quarters combat in Khan Yunis

Soldiers from the Paratroopers Brigade combat team are fighting in the heart of Khan Yunis, eliminating terrorists in close-quarter battles and through sniper fire. The troops are locating numerous weapons, including arms, grenades and ammunition.

Terrorists opened fire on troops from the Paratrooper’s Brigade from within buildings in the area. The soldiers directed airstrikes and tank strikes to eliminate the terrorists.

Afterwards, the soldiers carried out searches in the area in order to rule out the presence of additional terrorists. While conducted the search, Paratrooper forces encountered terrorists that had fortified themselves in one of…

IDF: Throughout the day (Tuesday), a number of launches were identified from Lebanon toward Israeli territory.

Furthermore, following the sirens that sounded in northern Israel regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration, several hostile aerial targets were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory. One of the targets was successfully intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defence Array. All of the incidents have concluded.

Over the last few hours, IDF aircraft struck Hezbollah military infrastructure in the area of Kfarkela in southern Lebanon. In addition, an IAF fighter jet struck Hezbollah terror infrastructure in the area of Yaroun in southern Lebanon and IDF artillery struck in several areas in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s ongoing terrorist activity and attacks against Israel violate UN Security Council Resolution 1701. The IDF will continue to defend its borders from any threat.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: The IDF eliminated the Commander of the Southern Lebanon Region of Hezbollah’s Aerial Unit

Today (Tuesday), an IAF aircraft eliminated Ali Hussein Barji, the Commander of the Southern Lebanon Region of Hezbollah’s Aerial Unit. Ali led dozens of terror activities against Israel using explosive UAVs and surveillance UAVs against Israel and IDF soldiers. Ali also led the attack against the headquarters of the IDF Northern Command earlier today.

Before his elimination, a launch cell belonging to Hezbollah’s Aerial Unit which was on its way to launch explosive UAVs toward different locations in Israel was eliminated.

Attached is a related video:

IDF: Please find attached the full English statement by the IDF Spokepserson, Real Admiral Daniel Hagari on the IDF’s humanitarian efforts in Gaza:

IDF: Attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on one fallen soldier have been published:

In addition, attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on soldiers who were injured have been published:

IDF: IDF operational activity in the areas of Maghazi and Khan Yunis continues

IDF ground, air, and naval troops are continuing to operate against the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip. In the area of Maghazi in central Gaza, IDF ground troops operated and directed IAF aircraft to strike several terrorists. Furthermore, the ground troops uncovered more than 15 underground tunnel shafts in the area. During targeted raids on military sites in the area, the troops located rocket launchers, missiles, UAVs, and explosive devices. Additionally, the troops destroyed a machine used for manufacturing rockets.

During operational activity in Khan Yunis in southern Gaza, IDF ground troops directed IAF aircraft to strike and eliminate more than 10 terrorists. In battles in the area over the last day, dozens of terrorist operatives were killed by IDF troops.

In separate operational activity in Khan Yunis, IDF troops identified a terrorist who planted an explosive device in the vicinity of a route used for the movement of troops. In response, IDF troops directed IAF aircraft to strike and eliminate the terrorist.

A total of approximately 150 terror targets were struck by IDF troops over the last day.

Attached are photos of the weapons located in the Maghazi area:

Attached is video footage from the strikes:

Attached is video footage of the terrorist’s elimination in Khan Yunis:

Attached are photos of the IDF troops’ operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: A short while ago, an IDF fighter jet struck terrorist infrastructure and a military compound in the area of Labbouneh in southern Lebanon. In addition, an IDF fighter jet struck a military command center in the area of Kfarchouba overnight.

Yesterday (Tuesday), IDF soldiers struck and destroyed a Hezbollah observation post in the Khiam area in southern Lebanon. This morning (Wednesday), IDF soldiers struck a military compound in Naqoura from which shots were fired toward Israeli territory.

Hezbollah’s ongoing terrorist activity and attacks against Israel violate UN Security Council Resolution 1701. The IDF will continue to defend its borders from any threat.

Attached is a related video:

IDF: Exposure of Hamas’ systematic use of civilian areas for military purposes continues: the 55th Brigade combat team operating in Khan Yunis

In the past few days, the 55th Brigade combat team has been operating to destroy terror infrastructure in Khan Yunis, where they discovered further evidence of Hamas’ exploitation of the civilian population for terrorist activity across the Gaza Strip.

During the operations on the military targets, the soldiers located a UAV launch post, a loaded rifle underneath a child’s bed, along with grenades, cartridges, Hamas uniforms, and many intelligence materials inside the residences of terrorist operatives. During the operation, the soldiers found a tunnel shaft near a school, a rocket launcher near a kindergarten, and a training compound near a mosque.

Using fighter jets, the brigade’s Fire Array struck four buildings used for terror purposes, including a Hamas command and control center, and three buildings in which terrorists were identified.

Attached is a video of the 55th Brigade’s operational activity:

Attached are photos of the weapons found by the 55th Brigade combat team:

IDF: Hamza al-Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuria Identified as Gaza terror operatives

Recently (7.1.2024), IDF troops detected a hostile drone near Rafah, an immediate threat to nearby soldiers. An IAF aircraft was dispatched to target the drone’s operators. Subsequently, Palestinian media reported the deaths of journalists Hamza al-Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuria during this strike.

However, IDF intelligence has confirmed that both the deceased were members of Gaza-based terrorist organizations actively involved in attacks against IDF forces.

Prior to the strike, the two operated drones, posing an imminent threat to IDF troops.

Mustafa Thuria, identified in a document found by IDF troops in Gaza, was a member of Hamas’ Gaza City Brigade, serving as Squad Deputy Commander in the al-Qadisiyyah Battalion.

Hamza Wael al-Dahdouh, is an Islamic Jihad terrorist, and was involved in the organization’s terrorist activities. Documents found by IDF troops in the Gaza Strip reveal his role in the Islamic Jihad’s electronic engineering unit and his previous role as a deputy commander in the Zeitun Battalion’s Rocket Array.

Attached is a copy of the document featuring a list of operatives from the electronic engineering unit of the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization, including al-Dahdouh and his military number:

IDF: Today (Wednesday), the Chief of the General Staff held a situational assessment in the central Gaza Strip with the Commanding Officer of the Southern Command, MG Yaron Finkelman, the Commanding Officer of the 36th Division, BG Dado Bar Kalifa, and additional commanders.

Attached is a related video:

Attached are related photos:

The full statement of the Chief of the General Staff:
“The fighting is in a very, very complex area, it’s below ground, it’s above ground, and an enemy that prepared its defenses over a very long period of time in a very organized way. There is a population here, many houses – a very, very complex battlefield. When arriving to explode such a system as you have in recent days here along the Tancher Route, it’s a very complex mission. It must be said that we are conducting operations here that we have never carried out before. The moment something bad happens, and something very bad happened to us here, we lost quite a few people and had injuries. The only thing left for us as commanders is learning, learning, learning. This is a long battle, on many fronts, we have many challenges, I see the capabilities here, I know very well that we know how to deal with any problem in Gaza, there is no square kilometer in Gaza that you do not know how to enter and dismantle, there is no such thing, after what you did – there is no such thing. After what you did, there is no place in Lebanon, no thicket fortified area in Lebanon that you cannot enter and dismantle. We will put you where needed, and you will do there what needs to be done, a long war on the other side, we will come out with good results.”

IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“Today, we brought in journalists from the foreign press to expose to the world the crimes against humanity that Hamas commits. We continue to make every effort to return all the hostages.”

IDF: Please find attached the translated evening briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

Information about the ongoing war in Israel – Day 95

A Message from Shalom