IDF Updates – January 17th

IDF: IDF systems show: This week, the Hamas terrorist organization carried out a launch toward IDF troops from within the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis

Earlier this week, a launch was identified toward IDF troops operating in northern Khan Yunis. IDF systems show that the launch was carried out from within the Nasser Hospital.

The Hamas terrorist organization systematically operates in Gaza’s hospitals and nearby areas, using civilians as human shields and exploiting hospital infrastructure including electricity and water.

Attached is a related infographic:

IDF: The IDF commando forces in Khan Yunis: The forces carried out a targeted raid on Hamas high ranking officials’ offices

IDF commando forces have been operating in the Khan Yunis area in order to locate and dismantle terror infrastructure. Before the operation, the fire array provided precision fire, striking a number of targets, including Islamic Jihad headquarters.

The special forces carried out a targeted raid on the offices of a number of Hamas’ Southern Khan Yunis Battalion’s high ranking commanders. In the targeted raid on the office of the Southern Khan Yunis Battalion Commander, the forces located many weapons, ammunition, and grenades. Additionally, the forces identified lookout cameras belonging to Hamas, which were destroyed.

The forces conducted targeted raids on large amounts of terror infrastructure in southern Khan Yunis. During the operation, the forces engaged in close-quarters combat and eliminated a terrorist squad. The soldiers enlisted on October 7th and fought in the Gaza Envelope, after which they joined the operation in the northern Gaza Strip, in the Shati area, and in the city of Khan Yunis. The IDF Duvdevan unit left the Gaza Strip, and will continue to the Judea and Samaria Division, where they will operate according to the situational assessments.

Attached is footage of the weapons located by the forces:

Attached is related footage:

IDF: A Hamas terror tunnel underneath the Salah al-Din Road, which connects the northern and southern Gaza Strip was dismantled by the 646th Brigade and the Yahalom Unit

In a coordinated operation of the 646th Brigade and the Yahalom Unit, the forces dismantled a strategic Hamas underground route, which was located underneath the Salah al-Din Road and crossed under Wadi Gaza. The route, which stretches for hundreds of meters and is approximately 9 meters deep, was used by Hamas for the transfer of terrorists from the northern to the southern Gaza Strip.

Due to the forces’ operation in the area, an alternative route was opened.

Attached is aerial photograph of the area in which the tunnel route was located:

Attached is footage of the terror tunnel located by the forces:

Attached is footage of the dismantling of the tunnel route by the forces:

Attached is footage of a tunnel shaft located by the forces:

Attached is a sync of the Commanding Officer of the 8105th Battalion, LTC. Erez:

IDF: Throughout the day, a number of launches toward the areas of Ramot Naftali, Shushan, Shtula, and Mount Manor in northern Israel were identified. In response, the IDF struck the sources of the fire.

Additionally, over the last few hours, IDF fighter jets, tanks and artillery struck a number of Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure and military sites in the towns of Houla and Ayta ash Shab in southern Lebanon.

IDF: Attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on two fallen soldiers have been published:

In addition, attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on soldiers who were injured have been published:

Joint IDF and ISA announcement:

The IDF and ISA eliminated the Head of Terrorist Infrastructure of the Balata camp in Nablus, who together with the members of his terrorist cell, planned to carry out an imminent, large-scale terrorist attack

During joint IDF and ISA activity in the Balata camp in the city of Nablus, a terrorist cell headed by Amed Abdullah Abu-Shalal was eliminated during a precise airstrike.

Abdullah was the Head of Terrorist Infrastructure of the Balata camp in Nablus, one of the central terrorist infrastructures in Judea and Samaria during recent times.

Abdullah was responsible for carrying out a number of terrorist attacks over the last year, including the shooting attack in the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood in Jerusalem last April during which two Jerusalem residents were injured. Additionally, he was responsible for the bombing attack against IDF soldiers last October during which a soldier was injured.

The terrorist cell was eliminated by an IAF aircraft following intelligence information received by the ISA informing them of Abdullah and his cell’s intentions of carrying out an imminent terrorist attack. Following their elimination, several weapons were found in the terrorist cell’s vehicle.

Under Abdullah’s leadership, the terrorist infrastructure in the Balata camp in Nablus has received funding and guidance from Iranian sources who are in cooperation with terrorist headquarters in both the Gaza Strip and abroad.

Attached is video footage from the elimination:

Attached are photos of the weapons found in the terrorist cell’s vehicle:

IDF: A Hamas operative responsible for interrogating individuals suspected of espionage against the terrorist organization was eliminated; The rocket launchers used to fire at Netivot yesterday were located and destroyed

During joint IDF and ISA operational activity, an IAF aircraft eliminated Bilal Nofal, who was responsible for interrogating individuals suspected of carrying out espionage activities against the terrorist organization in the southern Gaza Strip. Nofal played a role in the advancement of Hamas’ research and development processes. His elimination significantly impacts the terrorist organization’s capacity to develop and enhance its capabilities.

Following the rocket attack on the city of Netivot yesterday (Tuesday), IDF troops located the launch compound from which the rockets were fired inside the Gaza Strip. The troops found three launchers, each with ten barrels, a number of which were loaded with rockets. The troops destroyed the compound and the launchers.

In Khan Yunis, IDF troops identified three terrorists escaping to a building after they fired mortar shells at the troops. The troops directed a helicopter to strike and kill the three terrorists.

In the outskirts of Sheikh Ijlin in central Gaza, IDF troops identified two terrorists. The troops directed an IAF aircraft to strike and kill the terrorists. Additionally, IDF troops located large quantities of weapons in the area.

Last night (Tuesday), Israeli naval troops struck a number of Hamas terror targets as part of their assistance to IDF ground troops operating in the Gaza Strip.

Attached are photos of the launchers used to carry out the rocket launches toward Netivot last night (Tuesday):

Attached are photos of the IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is video footage of the Israeli naval strikes in the Gaza Strip:

A Message from Shalom