Israel Aid

IDF Updates – January 21st

IDF: The Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, MG Ori Gordin, and the Head of the Strategic Planning and Cooperation Directorate, MG Eliezer Toledano, hosted the United States Ambassador to Israel, Ambassador Jacob J. Lew, at the IDF Northern Command Headquarters.

During the visit, Ambassador Lew was briefed by the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command regarding the threats posed by the Hezbollah terrorist organization along the Blue Line.

The officials also discussed the understanding that Israel cannot revert to the security conditions that were in place prior to October 7th.

The security situation on the northern border must change, and the threat to the residents of the north must be removed – either through military action or through diplomatic means.

Attached is a photo from the visit:

IDF: 7th Brigade troops expose: a training model of an Israeli tank in a Hamas compound

The 7th Brigade has been operating in the Khan Yunis area. Guided by intelligence, the forces have raided terrorist infrastructure, located and confiscated weaponry and exposed underground infrastructure.

In the activity, the forces raided a Hamas post used as a training compound for the Khan Yunis Brigade and as a meeting place for senior Hamas officials. In the area, the soldiers located tunnel shafts, dozens of rocket launchers, weapons and models of IDF tanks, used for training. The models were demolished by the forces.

Attached is footage of the 7th Brigade’ activity in Khan Yunis:

Attached is footage of weaponry and a tunnel shaft located by the forces in the area:

Attached is a picture of a model of an Israeli tank:

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in the city of Haifa, northern Israel, an interceptor was launched toward a suspicious aerial target. The incident has concluded.

The sirens sounded as a result of the launch of the interceptor.

IDF: IDF activity in the Gaza Strip; Launchers used to fire at Israel were struck and terrorists who attempted to plant explosive devices near the forces were killed

IDF ground troops, supported by the IAF and the Israeli Navy, are continuing to strike and destroy terrorist infrastructure and weapons throughout the Gaza Strip.

During IDF activity in the northern Gaza Strip, the troops identified terrorists who were operating in close proximity to them and attempting to plant explosive devices in the area. The troops responded with fire and directed an IAF aircraft to strike the terrorists.

In a separate IDF operation in the northern Gaza Strip, soldiers identified a terrorist cell approaching an anti-tank missile launcher situated in a military compound adjacent to their position, as well as enemy spotters in the vicinity. The troops directed IAF helicopters to thwart the terrorist cell and destroy the compounds used by the enemy spotters.

Further IDF activity in the northern Gaza Strip located a number of launchers used to fire at Israeli territory. Engineering forces acted to destroy the launchers.

In the city of Khan Yunis, IDF troops conducted a targeted raid on a military compound, successfully locating and neutralizing six launchers containing rockets ready for launch. Additionally, the troops discovered an underground shaft and explosive devices in the area.
During the activity, the troops located two gunmen who posed a threat while operating near the troops and directed an IAF aircraft to strike them.

Attached is a video of IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: “There is no area without a tunnel shaft, no school or mosque without weapons”; The 55th Brigade operating in Khan Yunis.

In the past few days, the 55th Brigade’s forces have been operating against the Eastern Khan Yunis Battalion. During the operation, the forces engaged the enemy, and eliminated a terrorist squad in close-quarters combat. The forces scanned a central Hamas combat zone, neutralized an underground route, dismantled tunnel shafts, located and neutralized observation posts.

Guided by precise intelligence, the forces conducted a targeted raid on terror infrastructure where dozens of rocket launchers, explosive devices and intelligence documents were located. The rocket launchers were dismantled.

In the operation, a soldier of the 71st Battalion, was killed in action. Three IDF soldiers were injured.

Attached is a video of the forces’ operation in Khan Yunis, and of a tunnel discovered by the forces:

Attached is an audio recording of the Commanding Officer of the 271st Battalion, LTC Yosef:

Attached are photos of the rocket launchers and weapons discovered by the forces in the area:

IDF: Following the sirens sounded regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration in northern Israel, an interceptor was launched following a false identification. Additionally, this morning, two launches from Lebanon toward Israeli territory was identified. In response, the IDF struck the source of the fire. No injuries were reported.

A short while ago, IAF fighter jets struck terrorist infrastructure, an observation post, and a launch post belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization in the area of Al-Adisa in southern Lebanon. Furthermore, overnight, IDF tanks fired in order to remove a threat in the area of Har Dov.

Attached is video footage of the strikes:

IDF: IDF forces discovered and dismantled long-range rocket launcher: The 99th Division forces dismantled weapons production sites in the Zeitoun neighborhood

Guided by precise intelligence, the 646th Brigade and the 179th Brigade’s forces conducted a targeted raid on a weapons production site in the Zeitoun neighborhood, and in adjacent areas in the northern Gaza Strip.

While scanning the area, the forces located dozens of rocket production lines and weapons; workshops, rocket fuel production lines, warheads, rocket launching pits and explosive devices. The production lines were dismantled and the weapons were confiscated. With the chemical materials and gear that were confiscated by the forces, more than 800 rockets can be manufactured.

The rocket production process consists of several stages. Hamas chose to divide those stages and to carry them out in different locations in the area, in order to make their finding and dismantling difficult.

These targeted raids on weapons production sites cause a significant impact on Hamas and Islamic Jihad’s weapons production process.

Attached is a video of the weapons production site located by the forces:

Attached is a video of the rocket launching pits located by the forces:

Attached is a sync of 1LT R, an officer in the Intelligence Directorate’s Research Bureau:

Attached are footage of the weapons production lines found in the area:

Attached is an aerial footage of the weapons production sites found spreaded in the Zeitoun neighborhood:

IDF: Following the statement of the IDF Spokesperson, RDML Daniel Hagari, attached are photos from a tunnel in Khan Yunis where hostages were held:

IDF: Footage of a tunnel where hostages were held in Khan Yunis

Soldiers of the 98th Division operated in an underground tunnel in Khan Yunis where hostages were being held. The length of the tunnel was about 830 meters and it was about 20 meters deep. The entrance to the tunnel was booby-trapped, and inside it there were many obstacles, explosives, sliding doors and blast doors. While the soldiers were advancing through the tunnel, they encountered a number of terrorists. The soldiers fought against them and eliminated them. When the soldiers reached the tunnel, the hostages were already gone, as they were moved to another location.

As part of the examination of the tunnel, a central chamber where hostages were held and five barred prison cells were discovered. In addition, the soldiers located findings that indicated that hostages had been held there, intelligence and weapons belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization.

According to testimonies, there were about 20 hostages in the tunnel at different times. Some were released and some are still being held in Gaza.

The tunnel was located in the heart of a civilian area in Khan Yunis, and the entrance to it was located in the residence of a Hamas terrorist. According to intelligence estimates, millions of shekels were invested in the construction of the tunnel.

This tunnel was part of a branching underground network, dug by the Hamas terrorist organization, under Khan Yunis.
At the end of the examination, the tunnel was destroyed.

Attached is an aerial photograph of the tunnel route where the hostages were held:

Attached is footage of the tunnel where the hostages were held:

Attached is an illustration of part of the tunnel route:

Attached is footage of the destruction of the tunnel route:

Attached are photos from the tunnel:

IDF: IDF naval troops identified and struck a structure in which terrorists ambushed IDF troops; IDF activities in the Gaza Strip continue, with dozens of terrorists eliminated and large quantities of weapons located

IDF naval forces continue to assist ground forces operating in the Gaza Strip with observation capabilities and by striking terror targets. Over the past day, a building in which terrorists ambushed IDF troops in the central Gaza Strip was identified. The forces struck the building and the threat was removed.

IDF troops continued operational activities in Khan Yunis. Over the past day, IDF snipers in cooperation with the IAF eliminated a number of terrorists. Moreover, IDF troops located large quantities of weapons inside a Hamas structure.

In Daraj Tuffah in the northern Gaza Strip, IDF troops eliminated 15 terrorists. Furthermore, the troops conducted a targeted raid on a Hamas structure and located uniforms and numerous weapons.

Attached is a video of the IDF naval strikes in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of the IDF activity in the Gaza Strip over the past day:

IDF: IAF fighter jets carried out two series of strikes on terrorist infrastructure, a military building, a launch post and an observation post belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Markaba in Lebanon today (Sunday).

In addition, IDF tanks and IAF aircraft also struck targets in a number of locations in southern Lebanon, including a Hezbollah operational command center and military compound.

Attached is a related video:

IDF: A weapons production site in a backyard and a loaded rocket launcher in an olive grove: Yiftah Brigade forces are operating in Al-Maghazi

The soldiers of the Yiftach Brigade operated in the Al-Maghazi area against Hamas terrorist infrastructure located near and inside civilian buildings in the area.

Armored Corps and Combat Engineering forces also operated in a Hamas command and control center where a weapons production site was located. A loaded rocket launcher was located in a nearby olive grove. The factories, the weapons and the rocket launcher were destroyed by the IDF.

During the operations, an RPG was fired toward an IDF tank. The forces identified the terrorist cell that carried out the shooting and returned fire. Simultaneously, the Fire Control Center guided an aircraft to target and eliminate a number of the terrorists. After IDF soldiers identified an additional terrorist armed with an RPG who fled the area, the soldiers engaged the terrorist in close-quarters combat and eliminated him.

Attached is a footage of the Yiftah Brigade in Al-Maghazi:

Attached is footage of the weapons production site:

Attached are photos on the subject:

IDF: Following the release of photos of the tunnel where hostages were held in Khan Yunis, attached is footage of the tunnel route:

A Message from Shalom