Israel Aid

IDF Updates – January 2nd

IDF: The 401st Brigade, the Shaldag Unit and the Yahalom Combat Engineering Unit secured control of Hamas’ intelligence and control center in Gaza City

The 401st Brigade conducted a targeted raid on the central building of the Eastern Military Post in Gaza City. The Eastern Military Post is a strategic stronghold of Hamas in Gaza City, in which there were operational command and control rooms. This terrorist stronghold, which includes 37 buildings, is located in the heart of Gaza’s civilian population, near hospitals, schools, and civilian homes.

Additionally, the forces discovered an underground Hamas control bunker, from which the terrorist organization commanders managed the war in the Gaza Strip. The underground compound was 20 meters deep and included large operational rooms and hideouts for the Hamas’ leaders. During the scans conducted in the area, the forces discovered many weapons and communication devices.

In the Eastern Military Post, the 401st Brigade’s Shaked Battalion discovered 5 central tunnel shafts dozens of meters deep. These shafts were interconnected and created a wide tunnel route and entrance to the underground control center compound. At one tunnel shaft, the Shaldag Unit forces conducted close-quarter combat underground, ultimately eliminating all enemy forces fighting. The 601st Battalion and the Yahalom Engineering Forces destroyed the entire tunnel route.

During operations of the 52nd Battalion in the Hamas Eastern Military Post, the forces identified an incriminated building and conducted a targeted raid. During the targeted raid, the forces engaged the enemy, during which terrorists fired at them from the upper floors. The forces returned fire while evacuating the wounded soldiers. The combat expanded to other buildings in the Eastern Military Post compound. The forces eliminated the terrorist squad in close-quarter combat.
In this operation, IDF soldiers Captain Yaron Eliezer Chitiz, Staff Sergeant Efraim Tachman, and Staff Sergeant Itay Buton, may their memory be a blessing, were killed in action.

We would like to emphasize that the visuals attached are not of the operation in which the soldiers were killed.

Attached is a video of the Shaldag Unit operating in the Hamas Eastern Military Post:

Attached is a video of Hamas’ underground control bunker:

Attached is an infographic of the tunnel shafts located in the Hamas Eastern Military Post:

IDF: The Hamas terror organization uses civilian homes for terror: Long-range rockets were found at a family home; Dozens of RPGs and weapons found near civilian buildings, at the heart of civilian population.

In many civilian homes in El Bureij, the 188th Brigade and the Golani Brigade discovered weapons, rockets, tunnel shafts and intelligence materials belonging to the Hamas terror organization.

During the forces’ scans of the area, long-range (20 kilometers range) rockets were found in a family home. Additionally, in the family home, the forces discovered weapons which were used by Hamas.
The rockets were destroyed and the weapons were confiscated.

Directed by precise intelligence, the Golani combat team conducted a targeted raid on a civilian building in El Bureij, in which they discovered many weapons and ammunition, and dozens of shoulder-fired missiles and grenades.

Attached is a sync of the Commanding Officer of the 890th Battalion, LTC Yoni:

Attached is a video of the weapons found by the 188th Brigade:

Attached is a video of the weapons found by the Golani combat team:

IDF: Attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on a fallen soldier have been published:

In addition, attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on soldiers who were injured have been published:

IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“The IDF is in a very high state of readiness in all arenas, in defense and offense. We are highly prepared for any scenario. The most important thing to say tonight is that we are focused and remain focused on fighting Hamas.”

Please find attached the translated evening briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

Information about the ongoing war in Israel – Day 88 (2)

A Message from Shalom