IDF Updates – January 30th

IDF: Intensive battles in the heart of Khan Yunis continue: IDF troops strike dozens of Hamas terrorists and terrorist infrastructure

IAF fighter jets directed by IDF troops carried out strikes on dozens of terror targets, including operational centers, weapons storage facilities, observation posts, and operational meeting points used by Hamas terrorists.

After five terrorist operatives were identified entering a Hamas military structure, the troops directed an aircraft to strike and eliminate them.

Furthermore, IDF ground troops identified four terrorists who had fired anti-tank missiles at the troops a few hours prior. The troops directed a fighter jet and an aircraft to strike and eliminate the terrorist cell. A number of additional terrorists were killed by the troops during combat in the area.

In a separate incident, IDF troops killed six terrorists who posed a threat to the troops, with assistance from tank and sniper fire.

In the northern Gaza Strip, IDF ground and air troops conducted joint operational activity to strike Hamas terrorist infrastructure. Moreover, fighter jets struck a building rigged with explosives, as well as a military site, an anti-tank post and an operational tunnel shaft. Additionally, IDF troops killed a number of terrorists with tank fire and by directing IDF aircraft.

Overnight, IDF naval troops struck a number of terror targets and provided fire support along the Gazan coastline as part of their assistance to the IDF ground troops operating in the Gaza Strip.

Attached is video footage of the IDF troops’ operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos from the IDF troop’s operational activity in the Gaza Strip over the last day:

IDF: Locating a terrorist cell armed with RPGs and eliminating them from the air: the soldiers of the 636 Field Intelligence Unit’s operational activity in Gaza

During operational activity in Khan Yunis, the soldiers of the combat team of Unit 636 of the Border Protection Corps in cooperation with the Air Force and other IDF ground forces divisions and brigades located approximately 200 tunnel shafts, destroyed over 130 sites of terrorist infrastructure, struck approximately 10 rocket launchers and eliminated anti-tank cells and numerous terrorists.

As part of their operational activity in the Khan Yunis area, the soldiers identified a terrorist cell with 3 RPGs. The soldiers directed the Air Force to eliminate the cell.

From the words of the commanding officer of Unit 636, LTC G.: “From the beginning of the ground operations in the Gaza Strip, the soldiers of the Field Intelligence Unit have brought a significant and decisive intelligence picture from deep in the enemy’s territory. The soldiers of the unit who jumped at the first call initiated contact and did everything in order to contribute and maintain the security of the State of Israel with extraordinary determination, professionalism and dedication.

Attached is footage of the elimination of a terrorist cell:

IDF: Forces of the Commando Brigade continue to operate in western Khan Yunis

The forces of the Commando Brigade struck terrorist targets in western Khan Yunis. The soldiers targeted anti-tank cells and terrorists, destroyed terrorist infrastructure and located many weapons. In the last week, the Commando Brigade eliminated over 100 terrorists.

Soldiers of the special forces Egoz Unit raided a weapons warehouse in the area and located guns, cartridges, RPG missiles, photography equipment and diving equipment. In addition, they raide the house of one of Yahya Sinwar’s associates and found weapons.

The Egoz Unit forces identified armed terrorists who were preparing for an attack and preparing to fire RPGs at the troops. Following the soldiers’ fire, the terrorists escaped to a nearby building. The forces then directed an aircraft to strike the building, eliminating the terrorists. As a result of the strike, many secondary explosions were detected, indicating the presence of explosives in the building the terrorists had escaped to.

Attached is footage of the elimination of terrorists by aircraft directed by the Commando forces:

Attached are images of the weapons found in the weapons warehouse:

Attached are images of the Commando Brigade activity:

IDF: Footage published by COGAT: Many Gazans evacuating through the humanitarian corridor in Khan Yunis, chanting – “The people want to overthrow Hamas”

Today (Saturday, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, MG Rasan Aliyan, published footage from the heart of the Gaza Strip, on the unit’s Arabic Facebook page, “Almonsk”. While many Gazans were evacuating through the humanitarian corridor in Khan Yunis, yesterday, they chanted: “The people want to overthrow Hamas.”

The footage is from the humanitarian corridor that was opened and secured in recent days west of Khan Yunis and allows Gazans to safely move to the Al-Mawasi humanitarian area. The evacuation route was opened by the IDF to allow the safe passage of civilians, while the IDF continues to fight Hamas.

In the words of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, MG Rasan Aliyan: “In recent days, we have been seeing more and more evidence of public criticism voiced by the residents of Gaza against the Hamas terrorist organization. The residents of the Gaza Strip rightly prefer their own well-being and the safety of their children to the continued strengthening of Hamas militants and the terrorist activities that harm them and their future”.

Attached is footage of many Gazans chanting – “The people want to overthrow Hamas”:

A link to the video and the post on the COGAT Facebook page in Arabic, “Almonsk”:

IDF: The IDF increases its readiness in the northern border: The Northern Reservist Paratroopers Brigade performs training exercises involving live fire and urban warfare

In the last week, the Northern Command conducted intensive training to enhance readiness for combat on the northern border.

As part of recent training programs for reservist battalions on the northern front, soldiers of the Northern Paratroopers Brigade (226) and Combat Engineering forces performed training exercises. The exercises prepared troops for combat in densely populated urban areas, winter weather conditions, and in the northern terrain.

The training combined tanks, combat engineering, infantry and artillery forces.

From the words of the Deputy Commander of the 226th Brigade, LTC (Res.) Yehuda: “Despite the winter weather, the rain, the mud and the fog, and after 113 days of defending the northern border, this week we carried out a series of difficult and complex exercises to strengthen the Brigade’s readiness. The spirit of the commanders and soldiers is strong, professionalism is at a very high level and the troops are ready for anything. After this week, I can wholeheartedly say – we are ready.”

Attached is a drone video of the exercise:

Attached is a video of the exercise by the 226th Brigade in the Northern Command:

Attached are photos of the exercise:

IDF: Intensive battles in the area of Khan Yunis continue; IDF troops also located and destroyed a terror tunnel route used by terrorists in the northern Gaza Strip

IDF special forces are continuing to engage in intensive battles in the Khan Yunis area. The forces identified and thwarted a terrorist cell armed with an RPG. Additional special forces eliminated several terrorists and located weapons in the area.

The Paratroopers Brigade combat team continues to strike terror targets in the Khan Yunis area. The troops also eliminated terrorists and located large quantities of weapons.

During joint operational activity, two terrorists were killed in an IAF fighter jet strike near the city of Khan Yunis.

In the northern Gaza Strip, IDF troops located and destroyed a terror tunnel route, eliminated terrorists and located weapons in the area.

In the central Gaza Strip, IDF ground troops directed a UAV to eliminate a terrorist that was located nearby them. Over the last day, the troops also killed additional terrorists in the area.

Attached is video footage of the strikes in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos from the IDF troops’ operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of the weapons located in Khan Yunis:

IDF: A short while ago, fighter jets struck two Hezbollah military sites in the towns of Zibqin and Houla in Lebanon.

In addition, IDF artillery struck a number of areas in southern Lebanon in order to remove a threat.

Attached is a related video:

IDF: Overnight, according to the situational assessment, the Commander of the Southern Command signed an order to implement a closed military zone in the area of the Kerem Shalom Crossing.

Attached is the order:

IDF: ”Be ready for rescue”: The Paratroopers Brigade Reconnaissance Unit close-quarters combat with terrorists and rescue wounded forces while under fire

The Paratroopers Brigade is operating in the heart of Khan Yunis. During a targeted raid on terrorist infrastructure in the area, terrorists fired an RPG at the forces. As a result of the fire, a soldier from the 7421st Battalion, SSF (Res.) Uriel Aviad Silverman was killed and 3 other soldiers were wounded. The soldiers pursued the terrorists who carried out the attack and eliminated nine terrorists in close-quarters combat.

During the pursuit, the soldiers entered one of the buildings where the terrorists were hiding and fought them in close-quarters combat. Leading from the front, the commanders of the Paratroopers Brigade’s Reconnaissance Unit entered the building under fire, eliminated the terrorist cell and rescued the trapped soldiers.

Simultaneously to engaging the terrorists in close-quarters combat, the troops directed Israeli Air Force aircraft and artillery forces to strike targets where the enemy was identified in close proximity to the forces.

Attached is footage of the Paratroopers Reconnaissance Unit operating in Khan Yunis:

Attached is the footage of the rescue mission, conducted while under fire:

Attached are related photos:

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in the area of Katzrin in the Golan Heights, interceptors were launched toward two suspicious aerial targets. The incident has concluded.

Throughout the day, several launches from Lebanon were identified that fell in open areas in the areas of Zar’it and Margaliot.

A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah military compounds, observation posts, and military sites in the areas of Marwahin, Dhayra, Ayta ash Shab, and additional areas in southern Lebanon.

In addition, earlier today (Sunday) the IDF struck a Hezbollah operational command center and terrorist infrastructure. Furthermore, IDF tanks and artillery struck a number of targets that posed a threat in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s ongoing terrorist activity and attacks against Israel violate UN Security Council Resolution 1701. The IDF will continue to defend Israel’s borders from any threat.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: IDF operations in the Gaza Strip against terrorist operatives and infrastructure are continuing in Khan Yunis and Gaza City

During IDF activity in western Khan Yunis, IDF troops directed an aircraft that struck two compounds used as terrorist infrastructure and killed armed terrorists who were located inside them.

IDF commando forces identified and killed five terrorists, one of which was armed with an RPG. The forces conducted targeted raids on terror targets, located large quantities of weapons, including an RPG, military equipment, and technological assets.

Furthermore, in the area of Khan Yunis, IDF ground troops continued to conduct targeted raids on terrorist targets and located weapons and military equipment inside the residence of a Hamas terrorist. IDF troops also identified and killed four terrorists who were preparing to carry out an attack on IDF troops adjacent to the Al-Amal Hospital. The troops conducted a targeted raid on a compound that was used as an Islamic Jihad hideout and located weapons stored in the hideout.

Over the past day, IDF troops encountered and killed dozens of armed terrorists in battles in the central Gaza Strip. The troops were assisted by tank fire under the direction of field observers and infantry soldiers. In addition, the troops located large quantities of weapons in the area.

In the outskirts of Al-Shati in the northern Gaza Strip, over the past day, a number of armed terrorists were killed by IDF troops in various encounters. AK-47s, RPGs, explosive devices, missiles, as well as several launchers were located in the area.

IDF troops directed an aircraft that killed terrorists in the nothern Gaza Strip and IDF fighter jets struck a number of terror targets, including terrorist infrastructure, anti-tank posts, tunnel shafts, and observation posts.

Attached are photos of the weapons located by IDF troops:

Attached are photos of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is video of the IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: A short while ago, a terrorist carried out a ramming attack adjacent to an IDF base in northern Israel.

Following this, the terrorist exited his vehicle and tried to attack the IDF soldiers with an axe. The soldiers responded with live fire, and an IDF officer neutralized the terrorist.

IDF: IDF soldiers neutralized a terrorist that attempted to carry out a stabbing attack on IDF soldiers who were guarding a military post in the area of Teqoa

A short while ago, a terrorist armed with a knife attempted to carry out a stabbing attack on IDF soldiers who were guarding a military post adjacent to the area of Teqoa.
The soldiers attempted to make contact and responded with live fire toward the armed terrorist, who was neutralized. No IDF injuries were reported.

Attached is a photo of the knife:

Under a cemetery: a terror tunnel, hideouts for senior Hamas officials

The 98th Division raided an underground tunnel located under the Bani Suheila cemetery in the heart of Khan Yunis. While investigating the tunnel, the forces came across explosives, sliding doors and blast-proof doors, and eliminated terrorists who were inside. Inside the tunnel route, the forces located an office from which a Khan Yunis Brigade battalion commander managed the attack on October 7th, an operations room, a command and control center and the living quarters of senior officials of the Hamas terrorist organization. The tunnel was also used by Hamas to command their attacks against IDF forces both above and below ground.

This tunnel, dug by the Hamas terrorist organization, is part of a complex underground labyrinth, about a kilometer long and 20 meters deep. At the end of the investigation, the tunnel was demolished by forces of the Yahalom special engineering unit.

Attached is an aerial photograph of the tunnel route running through the Bani Suheila cemetery:

Attached is a drone footage of the tunnel route running through the Bani Suheila cemetery:

Attached is footage from inside the tunnel and of its destruction:

Attached is a video of the 98th Operations Officer, LTC Barak:

Attached are photos from inside the tunnel:

IDF: Throughout the day, a number of launches were identified that crossed from Lebanon into northern Israel.
In response, IDF soldiers struck the sources of the fire, as well as additional areas in Lebanon.

Furthermore, IDF fighter jets carried out precise strikes on two Hezbollah military sites in which a number of Hezbollah terrorists were identified in the area of Yaroun in southern Lebanon. The Hezbollah terror organization deliberately embeds its military infrastructure in civilian areas, using Lebanese civilians as human shields for its terrorist activity.

Additionally, earlier today, IDF soldiers struck a launch site used to fire at northern Israel.

Hezbollah’s ongoing terrorist activity and attacks against Israel violate UN Security Council Resolution 1701. The IDF will continue to defend Israel’s borders from any threat.

Attached is a video of the strike:

IDF: The Commander of the 98th Division: “We are engaged in a simultaneous maneuver – fighting both above and below ground.” The forces continue to fight in the area and to dismantle Hamas battalions from the Khan Yunis Brigade.

During the fighting in Khan Yunis, combat teams from the 98th Division raided hundreds of locations with terrorist infrastructure and Hamas posts. The infrastructure included the battalion headquarters, the Hamas terrorist organization’s training compounds, communication posts, the Khan Yunis Brigade’s command center, a military intelligence building, a significant rocket manufacturing facility, and offices of many senior officials, including Yahya Sinwar’s office.

The combat in Khan Yunis involves simultaneous maneuvering with an integration of forces both above and below ground. So far, hundreds of tunnel shafts have been located and destroyed, some leading to significant strategic Hamas tunnels. In addition, hundreds of terrorists have been eliminated underground, in both face-to-face combat and aerial strikes. The forces are making significant progress in dismantling the underground terrain in Khan Yunis.

From the words of the Commander of the 98th Division, BG Dan Goldfus: “We are engaged in a simultaneous maneuver – fighting both above and below ground, operating with professionalism, with cooperation between special forces, commandos, and the division’s combat teams. Hamas terrorists are fleeing. We are striking them and their infrastructure both above and below ground.”

Attached is footage of the activities of the 98th Division Forces in Khan Yunis:

Attached are additional related images:

Attached is footage from a conversation with the Commander of the 98th Division, BG Dan Goldfus, in a tunnel in Khan Yunis:

A Message from Shalom