Israel Aid

IDF Updates – January 3rd

IDF: IDF troops located a tunnel shaft inside a school in Khirbet Khuza’a and killed terrorists who attempted to plant an explosive device on a tank

In Khirbet Khuza’a, IDF troops are continuing operational activities. The troops, including armored corps and engineering forces, conducted targeted raids on central locations in the area. During searches in a school, the troops located a tunnel shaft and photos of weapons. Furthermore, IDF troops struck terror targets, including observation posts and anti-tank launch posts.

In Khan Yunis, intensive battles against terrorist operatives are continuing. IDF ground troops identified a terrorist that attempted to plant an explosive device on a tank, and directed an IDF aircraft to strike the terrorist and three additional terrorists in the area.
In a Nukhba terrorist’s residence, weapons and a safe containing hundreds of thousands of shekels were also located.

In Daraj Tuffah, IDF ground troops identified a terrorist cell operating drones used to observe IDF forces in the area. In coordination with IDF artillery and ground forces, a UAV struck the terrorist cell, and killed them.

Furthermore, in Khan Yunis, an IDF fighter jet struck an Islamic Jihad weapons production complex.

Attached is a photo of the tunnel shaft located by the troops inside a school:

Attached is a video of IDF strikes:

Attached are photos of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: Attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on one fallen soldier have been published:

IDF: Precision strikes against terrorists – UAVs neutralize threats against IDF soldiers in real-time

Israeli Air Force UAVs are constantly with IDF ground troops, providing direct and indirect support.

Indirect assistance is achieved through UAV operators’ communication with brigade forces and Israel Air Force ground control, who direct the UAVs to focus points and alert them to incidents and intelligence in the relevant areas. When UAVs are with the ground troops, the support they provide is direct and fully coordinated.

Additionally, the UAV Array carries out various missions including strikes, intelligence gathering, air cover for troops, and rapid support of ground forces. The UAVs accompany the forces from the air, striking terrorists who hide inside civilian buildings and urban areas to approach and attack IDF troops.

Attached is footage of the Israeli Air Force support of ground forces:

IDF: Hamas terror tunnel below the Shifa Hospital area was dismantled by the IDF without damaging the hospital complex

On November 24, 2023, the Hamas terror tunnel route excavated under the Shifa Hospital and exposed by the IDF was dismantled by the soldiers of the Yahalom Unit together with special forces. During the activity to dismantle these expansive underground tunnels, the hospital building above ground was not damaged and humanitarian activities in the hospital were able to continue.

This tunnel route under Shifa Hospital spanned over 250 meters, led to a number of significant terrorist centers and was used for carrying out terrorist operations. Hamas deliberately developed its underground terror tunnel infrastructure beneath the hospital and connected it to nearby tunnel shafts in order to conduct its activities freely and in disguise underground.

The Hamas terrorist organization systematically operates in the hospitals in the Gaza Strip and in the areas adjacent to them, using the residents as human shields and exploiting the hospital’s infrastructure, including electricity and water.

Attached is footage of the Shifa Hospital after the operational activity to dismantle tunnel route, photographed by the soldiers of the 636th Battalion:

Attached is an aerial photograph of the Shifa Hospital before and after the dismantling of the tunnel route:

Attached is a 360-degree view of the tunnel route:

IDF: Over the last few hours, a number of launches were identified from Lebanon toward Israeli territory. No injuries were reported. IDF artillery is striking the sources of the launches.

In addition, IAF fighter jets struck a number of Hezbollah terror targets located in Lebanon, including terrorist infrastructure and a military compound. Furthermore, an IDF tank struck a terrorist squad that was identified in Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s ongoing terrorist activity and attacks against Israel violate UN Security Council Resolution 1701. The IDF will continue to defend its borders from any threat.

IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“Yesterday evening, international media outlets published that international intelligence agencies, notably those in the U.S., support the findings we exposed from the Shifa Hospital… Based on these intelligence agencies, these actions by Hamas, are an indication of Hamas’ terror activity and how they cynically exploit hospitals for terror and also for holding hostages.”

IDF: Please find attached the translated evening briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

IDF: The Chief of the General Staff on the Northern Border: “We are in a very high state of readiness in the North, and are currently focusing on fighting Hamas”

Today (Wednesday), the Chief of the General Staff held a situational assessment at the northern border with the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, MG Ori Gordin, and the Commanding Officer of the 210th Division, BG Zion Ratzon, along with the brigade and battalion commanders from the reserve units guarding the sector.

Attached is footage of the Chief of the General Staff’s words:

Attached is footage from a tour conducted in the sector:

Attached are related photos:

Attached are the full words of the Chief of the General Staff: “Based on my impressions, we are in a very high state of readiness in the North. I visit here often. I think our readiness is at its peak. There is a lot of expertise, great capabilities, and high morale. We are in very high readiness in all sectors and we are currently focusing on fighting Hamas. This war started at a difficult point. I think we talked about it last time we met, we won’t elaborate on it now. But it also creates an opportunity in these very difficult circumstances to create a very significant change to the situation. In the south, in the north, and in terms of general regional stability. First of all, we are looking forward, we are going to change our routine defense measures, we are going to have more soldiers on the borders for at least the next year, and we will reach something much stronger. Because this event, as hard as it is, and we will talk about it a lot more – we could have known, we couldn’t have known – it cannot repeat itself, that’s for sure. And we need to provide a very very strong response to this matter. I’m telling you, in our decisions, I know that there is a trained, prepared, ready force, with a lot of spirit. And we are going with that, that’s our security, we don’t have anything stronger than that. That’s the best.”

IDF: Earlier today, several launches from Lebanon were identified crossing into Israeli territory and falling in open areas in Goren, northern Israel.

Furthermore, a short while ago, a terrorist squad that was identified in the area of Yaroun in Lebanon was struck by the IDF. The IDF also struck observation devices, as well as military infrastructure in which Hezbollah terrorists were located.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

Information about the ongoing war in Israel – Day 89

A Message from Shalom