Israel Aid

IDF Updates – July 12th

IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“Today we began the process of presenting the military inquiries regarding the events of October 7th. On that day, the IDF failed in its mission to protect the civilians of Israel. We were not prepared for the murderous Hamas terror attack involving thousands of terrorists who infiltrated the country at dozens of points simultaneously and began a killing spree, massacre, and abduction in the southern communities and IDF military outposts.”

Please find attached the translation of a briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

IDF: Attached is an IDF announcement regarding the name of a fallen soldier whose family has been notified:

Additionally, attached is a link to the IDF website, where updates on fallen soldiers are published:

IDF: Yesterday (Thursday) a projectile that was fired from Syria toward the southern Golan Heights fell in an open area, no injuries were reported. In response, the IDF struck a military post in the area of Tasil in southern Syria.

IDF: The IDF continues to operate in the central and southern Gaza Strip

Yesterday (Thursday), several launches that were identified crossing from the area of Beit Hanoun fell in open areas near Lachish in southern Israel. No injuries were reported. The IAF then struck terror targets in the area from which the launches were identified.

IDF troops are continuing targeted, intelligence-based operational activity in the Rafah area. Over the past day, the troops eliminated numerous terrorists in close-quarters combat and aerial strikes, and dismantled terrorist infrastructure in the area.

In addition, based on intelligence, IDF troops operating in central Gaza located a weapons production workshop as well as a large amount of funds used for terrorist activit…

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in Kibbutz Adamit in northern Israel a short while ago, a projectile was identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory and falling in an open area. No injuries were reported.

In addition, following the sirens that sounded in Moshav Avivim a short while ago, it was determined to be a false identification.

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded a short while ago in Kerem Shalom, it was determined to be a false identification.

IDF: Inside the UNRWA HQ in Gaza City: UAVs, a Hamas Combat Compound and a War Room

Following intelligence indicating that Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists and infrastructure were embedded inside the UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza City, IDF troops began a counterterrorism operation in the area earlier this week. At the start of the operation, the IDF opened a defined corridor to enable civilians to evacuate from the area.

During the operation, the Commando Brigade Combat Team under the command of the 99th Division conducted a targeted raid on a Hamas combat complex embedded inside a compound previously used by UNRWA. With the guidance of the Intelligence Directorate (J2), Maglan and Egoz special forces raided the compound and apprehended terrorists who tried to escape from the area.

During the activity, the troops engaged in close-quarters combat with terrorist cells that had fortified themselves inside the UNRWA compound and located parts for assembling a UAV, war rooms used for surveillance operations and large quantities of weapons, including tactical drones, rockets, machine guns, mortars, explosives and grenades.

Next to the terror compound raided by the troops, the IDF previously exposed and operated against an underground tunnel route and a significant asset of Hamas’ military intelligence that passed under the building that served as UNRWA’s Headquarters in the Gaza Strip.

In additional scans carried out by the troops during the current operations in the area, the troops located an underground laboratory for the manufacturing of explosives and weapons inside a university building.

Attached is an animated infographic of the compound:

Attached is footage of the UAV that was located in the UNRWA building by Maglan troops:

Attached is footage from the activity of Maglan and Egoz Troops:

Attached is a video announcement of the commanding officer of a company in the Maglan Unit, CPT M.:

Attached is footage of weapons located:

Attached are photos of the weapons located:

Attached are related photos:

Joint IDF and ISA announcement:

The IDF and ISA eliminated the Deputy Commander of Hamas’ Shejaiya Battalion

Based on IDF and ISA intelligence, the IAF eliminated the Deputy Commander of Hamas’ Shejaiya Battalion, the terrorist Ayman Showadeh.

Ayman was previously a key operative in Hamas’ Operations Headquarters and was involved in the directing of the October 7th massacre. Throughout the war, he was actively involved in combat with the Shejaiya Battalion and directed numerous attacks against IDF troops.

In addition to Ayman, the terrorist Ubadah Abu Heen, a company commander in the Shejaiya Battalion who held a significant role throughout the war was also eliminated.

Furthermore, over 150 additional terrorists were eliminated since the beginning of th…

IDF: Throughout the day, numerous projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into the areas of Har Dov, Margaliot, and Metula in northern Israel. Several of the launches fell in open areas. No injuries were reported.

Earlier today (Friday), IDF troops identified a Hezbollah terrorist operating in the area of Rachaya Al Foukhar in southern Lebanon, from which numerous projectiles were launched toward the Golan Heights over the past week. Shortly afterward, the IAF struck the terrorist.

Moreover, the IAF struck Hezbollah terror infrastructure, an observation post, and a military structure in the areas of Ramyeh, Jibbain, Tayr Harfa, and Kfarkela in south Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: In response to the projectiles that were launched toward Metula in northern Israel earlier today (Friday), the IAF struck a Hezbollah military structure, terror infrastructure, and an observation post in the areas of Kfarkela, Taybeh, and Khiam in southern Lebanon.

IDF: Yesterday (Friday), based on IDF intelligence, the IAF struck and eliminated the terrorist Hossam Mansour, a platoon commander in Hamas’ Internal Security Forces.

Hossam was an operative of Hamas’ Military Wing, previously held a significant role in the Internal Security Forces, and took a substantial part in preserving and perpetuating Hamas’ terror activities throughout the Gaza Strip.

Hossam was also one of the directors of the “Al-Khair” Foundation, which transfers funds to terror organizations, with the disguise of humanitarian activity.

Attached is the profile of the terrorist Hossam Mansour:

A Message from Shalom