Israel Aid

IDF Updates – July 18th

IDF: A short while ago, the IAF struck Hezbollah terror infrastructure in the area of Aitaroun, and a missile launcher in the area of Rab El Thalathine, southern Lebanon.

The IDF will continue to operate against the threat of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in order to defend the State of Israel.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: Head of the Manpower Directorate: “Over the past few months, we have been working, in accordance with the law, to recruit and optimally integrate our ultra-Orthodox brothers into the IDF. IDF service, for the security of our beloved country, is an enormous privilege of the generation of revival, a privilege and not a burden”

Tonight (Wednesday), the Head of the Manpower Directorate (J1), MG Yaniv Asor, visited an annual pre-enlistment event for candidates for IDF service.

From the remarks of the Head of the Manpower Directorate (J1), MG Yaniv Asor: “Military service is a journey where you will discover incredible strengths within yourself that you never knew existed. Among other things, your service will allow you to meet and get to know friends from all walks of Israeli society. Over the past few months, we have been working, in accordance with the law, to recruit and optimally integrate our ultra-Orthodox brothers into the IDF. IDF service, for the security of our beloved country, is an enormous privilege of the generation of revival, an honor and not a burden. Just as here in the Meitav tent, you met selection NCOs and officers who do everything to find the right placement that suits the needs of the IDF, and your skills and desires, so we are working to create paths and conditions that allow the ultra-Orthodox to serve and integrate into the army. I hope that next year, we will see everyone serving together in every unit. In a tank operating in the alleys of Gaza, soldiers from Tel Aviv, a kibbutz in the south, a village in the Galilee, and an ultra-Orthodox soldier from Jerusalem will be serving together. This will also be the case at the Intelligence desks, in the Israeli Air Force and Navy, in the combat support units, and in the General Staff.”

Attached is footage from the remarks of Head of the Manpower Directorate (J1):

IDF: Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force, Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar: In the heroic battle in Be’eri, we witnessed the bravery of the civilians, members of the rapid response team, and IDF soldiers. We witnessed the bravery of our soldiers from the Shaldag Unit, who lost two of their soldiers in that battle and suffered additional casualties during the war

The graduation ceremonies of the Aerial Control and Flight Control System officers’ course and the general officers’ course at the “Ovda” base were held today (Wednesday). 154 male and female officers completed the courses after six months of training.

From the remarks of the Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force, Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar: “Recently, various statements have been made regarding the readiness of the IAF on October 7th. On this stage, I wish to state clearly- the Israeli Air Force entered the events of that cursed Saturday without any operational readiness issues.
We took off for this difficult multi-front war united and cohesive, despite the protests, and since then we have not landed.
We will not land until the mission is completed, until we have defeated all our enemies.
In the coming weeks, we will complete the IAF inquiry and present it within the IDF, and afterwards we will present it to the public transparently.
Last week, the inquiry of the events in the community of Be’eri was presented to the public. As their commander, I have given and continue to give support to the decisions made on the ground on the morning of October 7th.
The culture of inquiry is deeply rooted in the DNA of the Israeli Air Force. This is how we become better, more deserving of the citizens we have sworn to protect.

Attached is a video from the remarks of the Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force, Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar:

IDF: A short while ago, an IAF aircraft struck and eliminated the terrorist Mohammed Jabarah, a Hamas operative in Lebanon, in the area of Beqaa. Mohammed Jabarah was responsible for carrying out terror attacks and missile launches against the State of Israel, including attacks coordinated with the Jamaa Islamiya terrorist organization.

His elimination diminishes the capabilities of the Hamas terrorist organization to plan and carry out attacks against the State of Israel in the area of the northern border.

IDF: The IDF and ISA eliminated the sniper who murdered Sergeant First Class Tal Lahat

In a joint IDF and ISA operation, approximately 20 Hamas terrorists from the Al-Shati battalion, including Nukhba terrorists, observation terrorists, engineers, and snipers, were struck by the IAF and eliminated.

Muhammed Abu Jattab, a platoon commander and sniper in the Al-Shati battalion, was eliminated in the strike. Throughout the war, he carried out numerous sniper attacks against IDF troops in the Gaza Strip, including the incident on July 9 where Sergeant First Class Tal Lahat was killed during a targeted raid to dismantle terror infrastructure at the UNRWA Center in Gaza City.

In addition, Ismael Shakshak, a Nukhba terrorist who infiltrated Israeli territory on October 7, was eliminated in the activity.

IDF: Earlier today (Thursday), the IAF struck Hezbollah terror infrastructure in the area of Ain El Tineh, and two Hezbollah military posts in the areas of Zibqin and Maryamine in southern Lebanon.

Additionally, IDF artillery struck in the area of Blida in southern Lebanon to remove a threat.

The IDF will continue to operate against the threat of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in order to defend the State of Israel.

IDF: Initial report – a report was received regarding an Israeli vehicle that was damaged in the area of Hermesh. The cause of the damage is currently unknown and the details are under review.
IDF soldiers have been dispatched to the scene.

IDF: Earlier today (Thursday), the IAF struck in the area of Maryamine and eliminated the Hasan Ali Mehanna, a Hezbollah terrorist in the Qana sector.

Mehanna was an operative in Hezbollah’s engineering unit and was involved in numerous attacks against the State of Israel.

Attached is a video of the elimination:

IDF: Attached is an IDF announcement regarding the name of a fallen soldier whose family has been notified:

Additionally, attached is a link to the IDF website, where updates on fallen soldiers are published:

IDF: Earlier today (Thursday), two IDF soldiers on vacation were lightly and moderately injured as a result of an explosive device that detonated in an area adjacent to the community of Hermesh. Two additional civilians were lightly injured.
The injured soldiers and civilians were evacuated to a hospital to receive medical treatment. Their families have been notified.

Israeli security forces were dispatched to the scene and are conducting searches for suspects in the area.

IDF: A short while ago, based on IDF and ISA intelligence, the IDF struck a number of Hamas terrorists who operated in Hamas terror infrastructure in the area of Zeytoun. The terror infrastructure was used as the headquarters of Hamas’ Gaza City Brigade and as a UNRWA complex.

Prior to the strike, numerous steps were taken in order to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including the use of aerial surveillance, precise munitions, and additional intelligence.

The Hamas terrorist organization systematically violates international law, exploiting civilian structures and populations as human shields for its terror activities.

IDF: Earlier tonight (Friday), an explosion sounded in the area of central Tel Aviv. We are looking into the reports that it was an aerial target. The incident is under review.

IDF: An initial inquiry indicates that the explosion in Tel Aviv was caused by the falling of an aerial target, and no sirens were activated. The incident is under thorough review. Israeli security forces are currently operating at the scene.
The IAF increased its air patrols in order to protect Israeli airspace.
There is no change in the defensive guidelines of the Home Front Command.

A Message from Shalom