Israel Aid

IDF Updates – July 20th

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in northern Israel at 8:22, the IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target that crossed from Lebanon into Israeli territory. The sirens regarding rocket and missile launches sounded due to the danger of falling shrapnel from the interception. No injuries were reported.

IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“After our initial inquiry, it is likely that this was a Samad-3 UAV, which we assess flew from Yemen to Tel Aviv. The Samad-3 is an Iranian weapon that was likely upgraded to extend its flight range. Iran supports, funds, and arms its proxies in the region, in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, as seen last night.”

Please find attached the translation of a briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

IDF: Throughout the day, approximately 65 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory. Some of the projectiles were intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array and the rest fell in open areas. IDF artillery struck the sources of the launches. No injuries were reported.

Furthermore, the launcher used to fire toward the area of Abirim earlier today (Friday) was struck by the IAF, as well as a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Ayta ash Shab.

In addition, a short while ago, the IAF struck Hezbollah weapons storage facilities in the area of Blida and Houla in southern Lebanon. Additionally, Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure was struck in the area of Houla in southern Lebanon.

IDF artillery also struck in the areas of …

IDF:”Iran is funding, arming and directing its terror proxies in their attacks on Israel and the wider world. We will not allow Iran and its proxies to terrorize our civilians and we will continue to do everything we can to protect Israel’s people and borders.”

Attached is an English video announcement of the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

IDF: Hamas’ Gaza City Brigade military intelligence officer was eliminated by the IDF and ISA

As part of the joint IDF and ISA strike conducted yesterday (Thursday), the IDF struck a number of Hamas terrorists who operated inside an UNRWA complex in the area of Zeytoun, used as the Hamas Gaza City Brigade headquarters. The terrorist Adel Hamdiya, the military intelligence officer of Hamas’ Gaza City Brigade, was eliminated in the strike.

Hamdiya has been in his role since 2019. Before the war, he was responsible for the gathering and formulation of the brigade’s intelligence assessment in preparation for the October 7th brutal massacre.
During the war, the terrorist was responsible for directing offensive terror activities against IDF troops and formulat…

IDF: The IAF struck Hezbollah weapons storage facilities in the areas of Tayr Harfa and Blida. During the strike, secondary explosions were identified in the area, suggesting the presence of additional weaponry in the structure.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: Earlier today, the IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target in Lebanese airspace. The target did not cross into Israeli territory and no sirens were sounded, in accordance with protocol.

This morning, the IAF struck Hezbollah military structures in the area of Houla in southern Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: IDF operational activity continues in the Gaza Strip

IDF troops are continuing precise, intelligence-based operational activity in the Rafah area. Over the past day, the troops eliminated a number of terrorists in several different encounters.
IDF troops have started a targeted operation in the area of Tal as Sultan against terrorist infrastructure and Hamas terrorists.

In addition, IDF troops continue their operation in central Gaza, conducting targeted raids on terrorist infrastructure sites in the area.
Furthermore, the troops on the ground, with air support, eliminated several terrorists who were operating in a structure that posed a threat to the troops in the area.

Attached is a video of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:…

IDF: Last night (Friday), following IDF and ISA intelligence, the IAF struck a structure used by the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip for their military build-up.

The “Elkahira” company operated in the structure and since the start of the war it has been a central part of the infrastructure used to store and transfer large amounts of funds to terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, as well as to carry out terror activities.

The structure struck was located in the humanitarian area of Deir al Balah as it continued to be an infrastructure site for terrorist activity, even at this time.

Prior to the strike, a number of steps were taken in order to mitigate harm to uninvolved civilians, including calling for the evacuation of civilians in the are…

IDF: Hidden Weapons Located in a Multi-Story Building and a Terrorist’s Apartment in the Gaza City Area

The combat teams of the 3rd Brigade, the 8th Brigade, the Commando Brigade, and the Multidimensional Unit operated last week under the command of the 99th Division in the Gaza City area. The troops conducted raids and carried out searches in an area being used by Hamas to rebuild its military, inside UNRWA headquarters.

During the searches, with intelligence guidance, the troops raided buildings where Hamas terrorists were located, including a building in a civilian neighborhood where a Hamas terrorist barricaded himself and multi-story buildings in the Gaza City area. The troops located: weapons, ammunition, equipment of the Hamas naval commando, milita…

IDF: The IAF struck the launcher in the area of Deir Seryan in southern Lebanon from which the projectiles were launched toward the Golan Heights earlier today.

Furthermore, an additional Hezbollah launcher was struck in the area of Aitaroun.

Attached is a video of the strike:

IDF: A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck military targets of the Houthi terrorist regime in the area of the Al Hudaydah Port in Yemen in response to the hundreds of attacks carried out against the State of Israel in recent months.
There are no changes in the Home Front Command defensive guidelines. In the case of a change to the guidelines, we will update the public accordingly.
Details to follow.

IDF: Attached are photos of the F15 Fighter Jets on their way to conduct the strike in Yemen:

Attached is a video of IAF preparations hours before the strikes in Yemen:

Attached is relevant archival footage:

IDF: The Chief of the General Staff in Rafah: Iran has many arms, you struggle with one arm here, you struggle with others there, it demands excellence against each one of them”

Yesterday (Friday) The Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi held a situational assessment in the Rafah area of ​​the Gaza Strip with the Commanding Officer of the Southern Command, MG Yaron Finkelman, the Commanding Officer of the 162nd Division, BG Itzik Cohen, the brigade commanders, and additional commanders.

Attached is a video from the remarks of the Chief of the General Staff:

Attached is a related video:

Attached are related photos:

Attached are the full remarks of th…

IDF: Attached is a video from the Air Force operations center during the strike in Yemen:

Attached are photos from the Air Force operations center during the strike in Yemen:

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded earlier this evening regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration in northern Israel, interceptors were launched toward numerous suspicious aerial targets that crossed from Lebanon. Several falls were identified in the area of Zaura.

As a result of the attack, one IDF soldier was moderately injured and another was lightly injured. The soldiers have been evacuated to the hospital to receive medical treatment and their families have been notified.

IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“Today, Israel has stepped up its actions in self-defense against these attacks. The Israeli Air Force conducted precise strikes on Houthi military targets in Yemen”

Please find attached the video announcement in English by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

IDF: Attached is an IDF announcement regarding Operation ‘Outstretched Arm’:

IDF: Initial Report – The reports regarding explosions heard in the area of Eilat are under review.

IDF: A short while ago, reports were received regarding explosions heard in the area of Eilat. It was found that no projectiles were fired toward the area of the city and no interceptor was launched.
There is no indication of a security incident.

IDF: A soldier from the 52nd Battalion, 401st Brigade, was severely injured yesterday (Saturday), during combat in the Gaza Strip.

The soldier was evacuated to a hospital to receive medical treatment. His family has been notified.

A Message from Shalom