Israel Aid

IDF Updates – June 5th

IDF: The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target that crossed from Lebanon off the coast of Nahariya. No sirens were sounded in accordance with protocol.

Following sirens that sounded regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration in northern Israel, interceptors were launched from the area of Tzfat toward a suspicious aerial target. This was subsequently determined to have been a false identification. As a result of the shrapnel from the interceptors, a reservist was moderately injured and evacuated to a hospital to receive medical treatment. His family has been notified.

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in northern Israel regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration, it was determined to be a false alarm. A rocket and missile siren was activated following the launch of the interceptor toward the target that was subsequently determined to be false.

IDF: IDF troops continue operations against terror infrastructure and operatives in the Gaza Strip

Overnight, following precise IDF and ISA intelligence, an IAF UAV precisely struck a Hamas compound embedded inside UNRWA’s “Abu Alhilu” school in Bureij, located in the central Gaza Strip, from which Hamas terrorists operated and planned numerous attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF troops operating in the Gaza Strip. The strike was carefully planned and carried out using precise munitions to mitigate any harm to civilians in the area.

Furthermore, troops of the 162nd Division are continuing intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area. Over the past day, the troops located significant terror tunnel shafts and numerous weapons during scans in the area. During a targeted raid, troops of the Nahal Brigade located numerous weapons, including RPGs, ammunition, explosive barrels, AK-47 rifles, and additional explosive devices.

Moreover, the 99th Division is continuing operations in central Gaza. Troops of the 2nd Brigade dismantled numerous terror infrastructure sites. During a targeted raid, the troops located large quantities of weapons and additional military equipment used by Hamas terrorists. In addition, Israeli Naval forces struck terror targets, assisting IDF ground troops in the area.

Over the past day, IAF fighter jets and additional aircraft struck and dismantled approximately 65 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including military compounds, weapon storage facilities, launch sites, observation posts, terrorist cells, and additional military infrastructure.

Attached are photos of weapons located by troops of the Nahal Brigade:

Attached is a video of an IDF strike on a structure in which Hamas terrorists were operating within an UNRWA school in the central Gaza Strip:

Attached is a video of IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: As a Result of the Identification of Terrorists by the 869 Field Intelligence Unit, over 100 Hezbollah Terrorists were Eliminated Since the Beginning of the War

The 869 Field Intelligence Unit of the 91st Division is responsible for the multi-dimensional intelligence gathering in the Lebanese border region. Since the beginning of the war, the unit has been working diligently to gather intelligence, identify Hezbollah operatives, and finally – fulfill their mission of eliminating terrorist threats.

The Field Intelligence Control soldiers, the Field Intelligence combat soldiers, and the drone operators of the unit work with operational technological means and with the integration of ongoing initiated field intelligence operations.

Since the beginning of the war, the unit has identified over 100 terrorists and through precise high-quality intelligence, led to their elimination in cooperation with the operating troops on the ground, the Israeli Air Force, and artillery.

Attached is footage from the activity of Unit 869:

Attached is footage from the strikes following the identification of Unit 869 soldiers in Lebanon:

Attached are related photos:

IDF: This morning (Tuesday), a suspicious aerial target was identified that crossed from Lebanon and fell in the area of Mount Hermon. No injuries were reported. The incident is under review.

Furthermore, earlier today, IDF fighter jets struck a Hezbollah terrorist in the area of Naqoura, southern Lebanon. Additionally, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure and a military structure in the areas of Ayta ash Shab and Odaisseh in southern Lebanon.

Additionally, IDF artillery struck to remove a threat in the areas of Kfarchouba, Shikhin, Houla, Rachaya Al Foukhar and Majdal Zoun in southern Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: Targeted Raids, and Destruction of a Tunnel Route; The 679th Brigade’s Activity in the Area of the Central Gaza Strip Corridor

The 679th Brigade Combat Team is operating in the area of the corridor under the command of the 99th Division. Over the past week, the troops carried out targeted raids in the area of Sabra as part of a divisional operation.

During the raids, the troops located rocket warheads and many weapons including rockets and an anti-aircraft missile launcher.

During the activity, a terrorist cell fired an RPG at the troops, who responded with quick artillery fire, and directed by the brigade’s Fire Control Center, an Israeli Air Force aircraft eliminated the terrorists.

Last night, the brigade’s troops completed the destruction of the terror tunnel route that was one and a half kilometers long and 23 meters deep, in cooperation with the Yahalom Unit. The tunnel was used by Hamas and passed near the area of the corridor where the IDF troops are present.

The brigade’s troops in cooperation with the Israeli Air Force eliminated dozens of terrorists and destroyed more than 70 terrorist infrastructure locations with the cooperation of the Yahalom unit.

Attached is footage from the destruction of the tunnel route:

Attached are photos of weapons located by the troops of the 679th Brigade:

Attached are photos from the activity of the 679th Brigade in the Central Gaza Strip Corridor:

IDF: The Chief of the General Staff in Northern Israel: We are approaching the point where a decision will have to be made, the IDF is prepared and ready to move to an offensive

Today (Tuesday), the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, conducted a tour and situational assessment with the Israel Fire and Rescue Services Commissioner, Fire Commissioner Eyal Caspi at the ‘Gibor’ Camp on the northern border, with the participation of the Commanding Officer of the 91st Division, (BG) Shai Klapper, Northern Region Commander in the Israel Fire and Rescue Services, Assistant Fire Commissioner Yair Elkayam, and additional commanders.

Following this, they met the forces that operated last night (Monday) to put out the fires in the north, and noted the determination and professionalism with which they operated.

Additionally, the Chief of the General Staff spoke with the commanders of the Golani Brigade who are currently on the northern border.

From the statement of the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi: “We are approaching the point where a decision will have to be made, and the IDF is prepared and very ready for this decision. We have been striking here for eight months and Hezbollah is paying a very, very high price. Hezbollah has increased its attacks in recent days and we are prepared after a very good process of training up to the level of a General Staff exercise to move to an offensive in the north. Strong defense, readiness for an offensive, we are approaching a decision point.”

From the statement of the Israel Fire and Rescue Services Commissioner, Fire Commissioner Eyal Caspi: “The collaborations that take place routinely with the IDF lead to the required preparation and readiness of both bodies, and are implemented in practice also in wartime, while maximizing the relative advantage of each of the formations for the benefit of the State of Israel.”

Attached is a video from the statement of the Chief of the General Staff:

Attached is a related video:

Attached are related photos:

IDF: Overnight, IAF fighter jets struck two Hezbollah launchers in the areas of Zibqin and Ayta ash Shab in southern Lebanon.
Simultaneously, three Hezbollah military structures were struck in the areas of Odaisseh, Blida, and Markaba.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in northern Israel regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration, it was determined to be a false alarm.

IDF: IDF troops have started operational activity in the areas of Bureij and eastern Deir al Balah simultaneously; IDF troops are continuing to operate in central and southern Gaza

Over the past day, IDF troops have started a targeted operational activity in the areas of Bureij and eastern Deir al Balah both above and below ground. The activity started on the basis of intelligence information indicating the presence of terrorists and terrorist infrastructure above and below ground in the area.

The activity started with a series of aerial strikes on terror targets, including military compounds, weapons storage facilities, and underground infrastructure. During the strikes, several Hamas terrorists were eliminated.

Simultaneously to the aerial strikes, IDF troops have started a targeted daylight operation in the area of Bureij and the area of eastern Deir al Balah. The troops are operating to dismantle terrorist infrastructure located several kilometers away from the border with Israel above and below ground.

IDF troops are continuing intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area.
The troops located weapons and eliminated armed terrorists who operated adjacent to them and posed a threat.

Moreover, IDF troops continue operational activities in central Gaza. In one activity, an IAF fighter jet, directed by the troops, eliminated a sniper operative who was identified operating adjacent to the troops in the area.
In another activity, IDF troops identified a terrorist cell in the area. Shortly afterward, an IAF aircraft struck and eliminated the cell.

Attached are photos of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is a video of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in northern Israel regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration, a suspicious aerial target that crossed from Lebanon was successfully intercepted in the area of Metula by the IDF Aerial Defense Array.

Shortly after, additional sirens sounded in northern Israel, during which an interceptor was launched toward a suspicious aerial target that had crossed from Lebanon. The incident has concluded.

The alerts regarding rockets and missiles were activated due to the danger of falling shrapnel from the interceptor.

No injuries or damage were reported in either of the incidents.

Attached is a video of the interception:

IDF: Improving the protection of the communities near the Gaza Strip: the Gaza Envelope LOTAR Unit was established in the IDF

The ceremony for the establishment of the Gaza Envelope LOTAR (counter-terrorism) Unit in the Gaza Division took place this week (Monday), in the presence of the Commanding Officer of the Gaza Division, BG Avi Rosenfeld, the Commanding Officer of the Gaza Envelope LOTAR Unit, LTC. (res.) A., Security Officers, Civilian Security Coordinators of the communities and the soldiers of the division.

In accordance with the directive of the Chief of the General Staff and as part of the lessons learned from the initial investigations on the ground from the events of the 7th of October, it was decided to establish the unit whose purpose is to provide a quick and available response to terrorist incidents in the Gaza Envelope area, and is part of the “Mashiv HaRuach”administrative work of the Border Protection Corps and the Chief Infantry and Paratroopers Officer Headquarters , whose purpose is to improve and rehabilitate the communities defense forces.

The Unit’s force will consist of reserve soldiers, veterans of elite units who live in the communities near the Gaza Strip or its surroundings and will be on standby for activation in the area. The soldiers of the unit will undergo dedicated training and will eventually be trained as skilled soldiers for the area’s challenges.

So far, hundreds of soldiers who are in the selection process have applied for the first training session that will be held in the coming weeks.

From the words of the Commanding Officer of the Gaza Envelope LOTAR Unit, LTC. (res.) A.: “The formation of the unit in this period contains within it the essence of the story of the State of Israel; From destruction to revival.
The blow we received on October 7th, the regaining of our composure, the social cohesion, the transition to operating and working together, the beginning of rehabilitation and building the future so that it will be a better and safer place. For this reason we have gathered here, in the heart of an area that has been damaged and suffered so much, where we lost our best people, and now we are bringing about the construction of a unit that will serve as a sectoral anchor and a magnet for all those who have the defense of the homeland and the desire to continue contributing to the country in front of their eyes.”

Attached are related photos:

IDF: Locating a Ready-to-Use Launcher Near the Border Fence; Footage of the Entry of Troops of the 98th Division into the Bureij Area

Over the past day, the combat teams of the 7th Brigade and the Kfir Brigade began a divisional operation under the 98th Division in eastern Bureij and eastern Deir al-Balah simultaneously.

The troops are operating against terrorist infrastructure above and below ground in the area and destroying rocket launch areas. The troops gained operational control of the area, eliminated terrorists from the ground and from the air and located several tunnel shafts.
Hours after the start of the operation, the 7th Brigade Combat Team located a ready-to-launch mortar shell launcher, hidden under a post with a UN symbol on it, near the border fence.

Attached is a photo of the mortar shell launcher located in the area:

Attached is a video announcement of the Commanding Officer of the 7th Brigade, COL Elad Tzuri, when the troops entered Gaza:

Attached are photos of the entry of the 7th Brigade Combat Team into eastern Bureij:

IDF: A short while ago, a number of launches that were identified from Lebanon fell in the area of Hurfeish in northern Israel. No sirens were sounded, the incident is under review.

IDF: A Significant Tunnel that was used by Terrorists for Force Build-up and Terror Activities in Rafah was Destroyed; The Troops of the 162nd Division Continue to Operate in the Area

The combat teams of the 12th Brigade, the Givati ​​Brigade, the 401st Brigade, the Yahalom Unit, and Unit 504 have been conducting precise, intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area for the past few weeks under the command of the 162nd Division.

The troops have located several significant tunnel shafts that led to a long tunnel route that reached as far as the Philadelphi Corridor. The tunnel route’s length is approximately 2 kilometers and it connects to several other routes in the area.

The tunnel that was located was extensive and contained blast doors, inside which the troops located weapons such as AK-47s, anti-tank missiles, many intelligence assets and explosives.

The tunnel route was investigated and destroyed by troops of the Yahalom Unit.

Attached is an infographic of the tunnel route:

Attached is footage from the tunnel route:

Attached is footage of the destruction of the tunnel route:

Attached is a photo of the tunnel route and an explosive that was located near it:

Attached are related photos:

A Message from Shalom