Israel Aid

IDF Updates – March 12th

IDF: A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck three launchers used to fire rockets toward the Golan Heights earlier this morning (Tuesday).

Attached is a related video:
<hr>IDF: The terrorist who fired rockets toward Israel was eliminated after exiting the launch site; in the central Gaza Strip rocket launchers that fired toward Israel were dismantled

Troops from the Egoz Unit are continuing to operate and conduct targeted raids in the Hamad area of Khan Yunis. The troops located a military compound containing weapons in the area, including AK-47 rifles, vests, and explosive devices.

Over the past day, IDF troops assisted by the IAF struck a terrorist who fired mortar shells at Israeli territory. The troops monitored the source of the fire, identified the terrorist who exited the launch site, and directed an aircraft that struck the terrorist. In response to the launches, IDF fighter jets also struck military compounds and terrorist infrastructure.

Furthermore in the area of Hamad, four terrorists attempted to plant an explosive device adjacent to a compound where IDF troops were located. Combat teams of the Givati Brigade directed an aircraft that eliminated a terrorist cell.

Troops of the 162nd Division are continuing to operate in the northern and central Gaza Strip. Over the past day, combat teams of the Nahal Brigade operated based on precise intelligence and located rocket launchers from which launches were fired at Israeli territory. The troops cleared the area of weapons and dismantled the launchers. In addition, two rockets were fired at IDF troops, who located the terrorists that exited the source of the fire. In response, an aircraft eliminated the terrorists. No IDF injuries were reported.

Attached is a video of IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:
<hr>IDF: In response to the launches toward northern Israel carried out by the Hezbollah terrorist organization earlier this morning (Tuesday), IDF fighter jets struck two Hezbollah military command centers in the area of Baalbek, deep inside Lebanon, a short while ago. Hezbollah used these sites to store significant assets used to strengthen its weapons arsenal.

Furthermore, a military compound in the area of Khiam and terrorist infrastructure in the area of Bint Jbeil were also struck earlier today.

Attached is a video of the strikes that took place earlier today:

“Every day for the past five months, we have been striking Hezbollah’s infrastructure, commanders and capabilities”: Approximately 4,500 Hezbollah Targets Struck, Over 300 Hezbollah Terrorists Eliminated and Over 750 Terrorists Injured

Over the last five months, IDF troops, under the direction of the Northern Command’s Fire Control Center and the Israeli Air Force, have struck over 1,200 Hezbollah targets from the air and more than 3,100 Hezbollah targets from the ground. These Hezbollah terror targets, located in both Lebanon and Syria, include weapons storage facilities, military structures intended for Hezbollah’s offensive activity and operational command and control centers where terrorists were located.

Since the beginning of the war, the IDF has eliminated over 300 terrorists and wounded over 750, including five senior commanders, and dozens of terrorist cells that directed or fired anti-tank missiles and rockets at Israel have been struck. These strikes impair Hezbollah’s air and ground capabilities, as well as its chain of command.

The IDF’s operations against Hezbollah terrorist targets and operatives are in response to the organization’s ongoing attacks against civilians and communities in northern Israel. The IDF is continuing to operate to drive Hezbollah and its forces out of southern Lebanon in order to enable the residents of northern Israel to return to their homes in safety and security.

Attached is a video of the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, MG Ori Gordin, in a conversation with the personnel of the Northern Command Fire Control Center:

Attached is footage of IDF strikes in Lebanon and Syria:

Attached are infographics detailing the targets struck on the northern border:

IDF: Over the past few hours, numerous launches were identified crossing from Lebanon into the areas of Zar’it, Shtula, and Rosh HaNikra in northern Israel. In response, IDF soldiers responded with artillery fire toward the sources of the launches and struck in additional areas in Lebanon in order to remove threats.

Additionally, a short while ago, IDF fighter jets targeted Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in the area of al-Adisa and a military compound in the area of Ayta ash Shab in southern Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strike in the area of Baalbek, deep in Lebanon earlier today:

Attached is a video of the strikes in southern Lebanon:

IDF: Earlier today, the IDF struck two Hezbollah military infrastructures on the Syrian front.

The strike was conducted based on precise intelligence which incriminated the infrastructure.

The IDF holds the Syrian regime accountable for all activities which take place within its territory and will not allow for any attempted actions which could lead to the entrenchment of Hezbollah on the Syrian front.

Attach is a video of the strikes:

A Message from Shalom