Israel Aid

IDF Updates – May 11th

IDF: Following attempts by Hamas to reassemble its terrorist infrastructure and operatives in the area, this morning (Saturday), the IDF called on the civilian population of Jabaliya and the surrounding areas to temporarily evacuate to shelters in western Gaza City. This is in order to reduce harm to the civilian population and to move civilians away from the combat zone, in accordance with international law.

In continuation of the IDF’s precise operations in specific areas of eastern Rafah, and following terrorist activities and fire carried out by Hamas from the area, following the directive of the government, the IDF called on the population from additional areas in eastern Rafah to temporarily evacuate to the expanded Humanitarian Area in Al-Mawasi.
So far, approximately 300,000 Gazans have moved towards the Humanitarian Area in Al-Mawasi.

The calls for the temporary evacuation are being communicated to residents through flyers, SMS messages, phone calls and media broadcasts in Arabic.

The IDF continues to act against the Hamas terrorist organization, which uses the residents of Gaza as human shields for its terrorist activities and infrastructure.

Attached is a graphic regarding the temporary evacuation of the residents of Jabaliya and the surrounding areas:

Attached is an infographic regarding the temporary evacuation of the residents of Jabaliya and the surrounding area:

Attached is a photo of the flyer:

Attached is a graphic regarding the temporary evacuation from additional areas in eastern Rafah to the expanded Humanitarian Area:

IDF: IDF troops located weaponry inside a clinic in Zeitoun; The IDF continues to operate in specific areas of eastern Rafah

IDF troops intensified their operational activity in the area of Zeitoun, in the northern Gaza Strip uncovering large quantities of weapons, and in recent hours eliminated terrorists in close-quarters combat. In one activity in the area, the troops uncovered AK-47 rifles, military vests, and additional weapons and military equipment that were hidden inside a clinic.

Moreover, over the past day, IAF aircraft struck tens of terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including military structures, launch posts, observation posts, terrorist operatives and additional terrorist infrastructure.

IDF troops, with the direction of ISA and IDF intelligence, continue precise operational activity against Hamas terrorists and infrastructure in specific areas of eastern Rafah.
Over the past day, IDF troops eliminated numerous terrorists in close-quarters combat and dismantled terrorist infrastructure in the area.

IDF troops are continuing operational activity in the area of the Gazan side of Rafah Crossing, uncovering numerous underground tunnel shafts and eliminating armed terrorists in coordination with the IAF.

Attached is a video of IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of weapons located inside a clinic in Zeitoun:

IDF: Following the siren that sounded a short while ago in the area of Kerem Shalom, four launches were identified that crossed from the Rafah area. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted one of the launches and the rest fell in open areas. No injuries were reported.

IDF: New Field Hospital Established in the Central Gaza Strip in Coordination with the IDF and COGAT
Today (Saturday), the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) announced the establishment of a new field hospital run by the International Medical Corps in the Gaza Strip in coordination with the IDF and COGAT. The field hospital was established in the area of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip and began operating in recent days. This coordination is a further part of the IDF and COGAT’s humanitarian efforts to ensure aid, including medical aid, reaches the Gazan civilian population.
The establishment of the hospital was coordinated and enabled through the entry of medical workers and medical equipment, including medicines, beds, food, water, tents, first aid equipment, ventilators, and materials for the construction of the field hospital, via the Kerem Shalom Crossing following security checks. The field hospital will be operated by 150 international medical aid workers, and its dozens of beds can be used for emergency and routine medical treatment.
The hospital joins seven other field hospitals that have been established in the Gaza Strip since the start of the war. It is located in the area of Deir al-Balah, which serves to provide humanitarian aid to the Gazan residents temporarily evacuated from the eastern Rafah area. As part of the humanitarian measures to facilitate the temporary evacuation of civilians from the eastern Rafah area, some of the existing field hospitals were transferred to the expanded Humanitarian Area in Al-Mawasi in coordination with the international community, where there is an increased supply of tents, food, water, and medicine.
The IDF and COGAT will continue to operate in accordance with international law to provide humanitarian aid to the Gazan civilian population.
Attached are photos of the International Medical Corps field hospital in the area of Dier al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip:

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in northern Israel, two UAVs that crossed from Lebanon fell in the area of Beit Hillel in northern Israel, no injuries were reported. 

Earlier today, IAF fighter jets struck a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Amra in southern Lebanon.

Yesterday (Friday), the IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted two UAVs in Lebanese territory.

IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“Even at this hour, every fighter and commander on the battlefield envisions the hostages, sees them, thinks of them, and fights to bring them home. There are 132 hostages still held in captivity in Gaza.”

Please find attached the translation of a briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

A Message from Shalom