Israel Aid

IDF Updates – May 21st

IDF: Missiles and rocket launchers in a mosque; Footage from the 460th Armored Brigade in Jabaliya

The soldiers of the 460th Armored Brigade carried out raids on terrorist infrastructure in the agricultural areas of Jabaliya. During the raids, the soldiers located many weapons including vests, an FN MAG machine gun, hand grenades, explosives, and intelligence materials.

During extensive searches and guided by intelligence, the troops arrived at a mosque where they located missiles and rocket launchers, which were destroyed.

Attached are photos of parts of the rocket launchers and weapons in the mosque:

Attached is footage from the activity of the 460th Armored Brigade in Jabaliya:

Attached are photos from the activity of the troops:

IDF: The 401st Brigade continues its operation in Rafah: the soldiers of the 932nd Battalion carried out a targeted raid on terrorist infrastructure and located many weapons

The soldiers of the 401st Brigade combat team under the 162nd Division continue the operation in Rafah. The soldiers carry out targeted raids on the terrorist infrastructure and buildings from which Hamas terrorists fired at our forces.

During this activity, the soldiers eliminated dozens of terrorists in eastern Rafah who tried to approach our forces.

Soldiers of the 932nd Battalion carried out an operation to destroy terrorist infrastructure. During the operation, the soldiers searched a building and located many weapons including protective equipment, explosives, weapons, anti-tank missiles, equipment and tools intended for breaching fences.

During searches in the area, the soldiers of the battalion located a tunnel shaft containing a weapons warehouse with short-range anti-tank missiles, grenades, weapons, and explosives. This warehouse was intended to be used to carry out terrorist attacks against our forces. The tunnel shaft and the weapons were destroyed.

Attached is a video of the Commander of the 932nd Battalion, LTC Dotan:

Attached are photos of the weapons that were located in the building by the forces:

Attached are photos of the weapons that were located in the tunnel shaft:

Attached is footage from the activity of the 932nd Battalion:

Attached are related photos from the activity of the forces:

IDF: The Chief of the General Staff in Jabaliya: “We want to bring our hostages home alive, and we want to bring those who, unfortunately, are no longer alive back for burial in Israel.”

Today (Tuesday), the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, met with the commanders in Jabaliya who participated in the operation to rescue the bodies of the four hostages and return them for burial in Israel. The Chief of the General Staff conducted a situational assessment and tour with the Commanding Officer of the Southern Command, MG Yaron Finkelman, the Commanding Officer of the 98th Division, BG Dan Goldfus, and brigade commanders.

Attached is a video of the Chief of the General Staff’s statements:

Attached is a related video:

Attached are related photos:

The full remarks of the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi:
“We are in a war that we said from the beginning would be a prolonged one. They have entrenched themselves here for years in defense, and it won’t be dismantled in a week or even a month. The mission, as the Commanding Officer of the Southern Command said, is to kill as many commanders and terrorists as possible, and to destroy the infrastructure. We very much want this pressure to help us to bring back hostages alive. And we are ready to undertake dangerous and complicated operations to bring the bodies of our hostages back for burial in Israel. This has great value, and I tell you to talk to the soldiers about these things. We are dismantling the military wing of Hamas. We want to bring our hostages home alive, and we want to bring those who, unfortunately, are no longer alive back for burial in Israel. These are very, very important missions. The message is that even if there was a place we didn’t reach last time, and now we are reaching it, no place, no matter how many explosives they put in the walls and how many shafts they booby-trapped, no place will withstand an offensive by an IDF combat team.”

IDF: Earlier today, a number of launches were identified crossing from Lebanese territory into several areas in northern Israel, no injuries were reported. IDF artillery struck the sources of the fire.

A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terror targets in four different areas in southern Lebanon, including a Hezbollah terrorist cell in the area of Odaisseh, a launcher used by the terrorist organization in the area of Halta, and Hezbollah military structures in the areas of Yaroun, Maroun al-Ras and Ayta ash Shab.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

IDF: COGAT continues its humanitarian efforts: 450 humanitarian aid trucks were transferred through the Kerem Shalom Crossing and the Erez West Crossing today; 650 truckloads are waiting for collection and distribution by international aid agencies on the Gazan side of the crossings

The IDF, via the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), continues its efforts to facilitate the passage of hundreds of trucks containing food, water, medical supplies, and shelter equipment for the residents of Gaza. Today (Tuesday), 451 humanitarian aid trucks were inspected and transferred to the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom Crossing and the Erez West Crossing of the Ministry of Defense’s Land Crossing Authority following security checks.

During the day, 381 trucks were inspected and transferred through the Kerem Shalom Crossing, alongside 70 trucks through the Erez West Crossing. Among these trucks, 62 trucks were transferred from the Ashdod Port containing flour for the World Food Programme (WFP) for operating bakeries across the Gaza Strip, and 44 Jordanian trucks with humanitarian aid were also transferred.

However, despite the significant humanitarian efforts led by the IDF via COGAT to increase humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, 650 truckloads remain waiting for collection and distribution by international aid agencies on the Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom and the Erez West crossings. These trucks are awaiting distribution due to the lack of logistical capabilities and manpower gaps in the international aid agencies, leading to the accumulation of humanitarian aid at the crossings.

As part of the ongoing humanitarian efforts for Gazan civilians, over 400,000 tons of food and approximately 23,000 tons of medical supplies have entered the Gaza Strip since the war began on October 7th. Additionally, 250,000 tents, of which 40,000 were purchased by the State of Israel, were provided for civilians in the Gaza Strip. Currently, around 25 liters of water per person per day are entering the Gaza Strip from Israel, alongside water through two new water lines from Egypt.

The IDF will continue its efforts to allow the entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip by land, air, and sea in accordance with international law.

Attached are photos related to the entry of humanitarian aid through the Kerem Shalom Crossing:

Attached is footage related to the transfer of humanitarian aid:

Attached are photos of the contents of hundreds of trucks awaiting collection on the Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom Crossing:

Operational Update Day 228

A Message from Shalom