Israel Aid

IDF Updates – May 27th

IDF: Yesterday (Sunday), IDF soldiers identified a terrorist cell operating within a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Yaroun in southern Lebanon. IAF fighter jets struck the structure from which the terrorists had been operating. Furthermore, a terrorist cell that had been identified by IDF soldiers in the area of Houla was struck by an IAF aircraft.

Overnight, IAF fighter jets and aircraft struck additional Hezbollah terror targets in southern Lebanon, including a Hezbollah weapons storage facility and military structure in the area of Meiss El Jabal, alongside terrorist infrastructure in the area of Khiam and additional military structures in the area of Houla.

IDF: IDF troops located large amounts of military equipment and weaponry and dismantled an explosives manufacturing facility in Jabaliya; an IDF aircraft struck a launch site from which launches were fired toward Ashkelon throughout the war

Over the past few days, IDF troops expanded their operational activity into eastern Jabaliya. During the activity, the troops eliminated several terrorists in close-quarters combat and located large amounts of weaponry, including Kalashnikov rifles, mortar shells, explosives, and additional military equipment. Furthermore, IDF troops located and dismantled an explosives manufacturing facility and a number of tunnel shafts, eliminated several terrorists, and dismantled dozens of weapons and terror infrastructure.

IAF aircraft struck a launch site in Jabaliya from which launches toward the city of Ashkelon in Israel were carried out throughout the war.

IDF troops continue to operate in the central Gaza Strip, eliminating several terrorists, including terrorists who had been observing the troops, by means of tank fire and in direct encounters. IAF fighter jets struck a rocket launcher in the central Gaza Strip that was ready to be fired toward Israel.

Over the past day, IAF aircraft and fighter jets struck and dismantled over 75 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including weapons storage facilities, terrorist cells, rocket launchers, military structures, observation posts, and additional terrorist infrastructure.

Attached is a video of IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: This morning (Monday), IAF aircraft struck and eliminated a Hezbollah terrorist in the area of Aynata in southern Lebanon who was identified in the area from which launches were fired toward the area of Malkia in northern Israel earlier this morning. In addition, IAF fighter jets struck a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Aitaroun in southern Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strike:

IDF: The Military Advocate General, MG Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi:

”At this point, I can say that so far approximately seventy MPCID investigations have been launched regarding incidents that raised suspicion of criminal offenses.”

Attached is the translated speech of the Military Advocate General, MG Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi:

IDF: IDF Reservists Conduct Exercises to Continue Increasing Readiness for War in Lebanon

In the last few weeks, the 146th Division and the 205th Reserve Armored Brigade conducted a division-level and brigade-level exercise that simulated ground operations in Lebanon. The exercise simulated combat scenarios in the northern arena, the rapid deployment of troops in the field, the functioning of the division and brigade’s headquarters, and the readiness of the troops to carry out an offensive.

The soldiers and commanders of the 551st Brigade fought hard in the Gaza Strip and are now operationally deployed on the Lebanese border. In parallel to their operational activities, a division-level exercise was held, led by the Ground Forces Training Center in the northern sector, that included battle procedures, validation of strike plans on the northern front, recruitment and organization of equipment, learning about Lebanon’s challenges, and operational models during the day and night in complex terrain to simulate combat in Lebanon as much as possible.

In addition, the troops exercised logistical and communications operations in depth, movement in complex terrain, advancement along mountainous routes, the activation of multi-faceted fire, and combat in a built-up, urban area.

Attached is footage of the exercise of the 205th Reserve Armored Brigade:

Attached is footage of the exercise of the 146th Division:

Attached are photos of the exercise of the 146th Division and the 205th Reserve Armored Brigade:

IDF: 800-Meter-Long Hamas Terror Tunnel in Central Gaza Dismantled by the IDF

The 679th Brigade Combat Team has been operating in the Gaza Strip for the past few weeks. Over the past week, the troops have been operating in the area of Sabra in the center of the Gaza Strip, aiming to destroy terrorist infrastructure, eliminate terrorists and locate and destroy terror tunnels.

Overnight, the troops, in cooperation with the Yahalom forces, dismantled a tunnel route 800 meters in length and 18 meters in depth. The route was used by the Hamas terrorist organization and ran near the area of the Central Gaza Strip Corridor where the IDF troops are operating.

The troops are significantly damaging Hamas’ capabilities in the central Gaza Strip and are intensifying …

IDF: A few hours ago (Monday), a shooting incident occurred on the Egyptian border. The incident is under review and discussions are being held with the Egyptians.

IDF: The General Staff’s Fact-Finding and Assessment Mechanism will investigate the strike in Rafah on Sunday

The Military Advocate General, MG Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi directed the General Staff’s Fact-Finding and Assessment Mechanism to investigate the strike carried out in Rafah yesterday (Sunday).

Yesterday, IAF aircraft conducted an intelligence-based strike in the area of Rafah against significant terror targets, including senior terrorists in Hamas’ Judea and Samaria Wing who directed terror attacks in Judea and Samaria and carried out murderous attacks against Israeli civilians.

The strike was carried out based on prior intelligence information regarding the presence of the senior Hamas terrorists at the site of the strike.

Before the strike, a number of steps were taken to reduce the risk of harming uninvolved civilians during the strike, including conducting aerial surveillance, the deployment of precise munitions by the IAF, and additional intelligence information. Based on these measures, it was assessed that there would be no expected harm to uninvolved civilians.

In addition, the strike did not occur in the Humanitarian Area in Al-Mawasi, to which the IDF has encouraged civilians to evacuate.

The incident is under the investigation of the General Staff’s Fact-Finding and Assessment Mechanism, which is an independent body responsible for examining exceptional incidents in combat. The General Staff’s Fact-Finding and Assessment Mechanism is investigating the circumstances of the deaths of civilians in the area of the strike. The IDF regrets any harm to uninvolved civilians during combat.

Attached is a related infographic:

IDF: Attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on soldiers who were injured have been published:

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in the area of Kiryat Shmona, approximately 25 launches were identified crossing into the area, some of which were intercepted.

A short while ago, IAF fighter jets struck the Hezbollah launchers from which launches were fired toward the area of Meron in northern Israel earlier today.

Attached is a video of the strike:

IDF: Earlier this evening, the IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted a hostile UAV that crossed from Lebanese territory into the Western Galilee area.
Simultaneously, an additional hostile UAV crossed from Lebanese territory and fell in the area. The incident is under review.

Following the interception, a siren for rocket and missile fire sounded due to the possibility of fallen shrapnel.

A Message from Shalom