Israel Aid

IDF Updates – November 13th

IDF: IDF troops are continuing to conduct raids on the outskirts of the Al-Shati Camp, targeting terrorist infrastructure located in central governmental institutions in the heart of the civilian population, including schools, universities, mosques, and residences of terrorists.

Hamas’ terror infrastructure was deliberately located inside civilian structures, including in the “Al-Quds” University, and inside the “Abu Bakr” mosque. The troops uncovered a section of the mosque which housed a large number of explosive devices and flammable materials. During the activity, the troops seized dozens of weapons, military equipment, and operational plans belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization.

IDF ground troops entered the residence of a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist and located a large number of weapons inside the kids’ room of the residence. During an additional activity in the area of Beit Hanoun, IDF troops located a tunnel shaft, intelligence materials of the terror organization, and weapons.

Attached is a video of the weapons and additional terror equipment found in a residence during the activity:

Attached are photos of the confiscated weapons:

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in the area of Gornot HaGalil in northern Israel, two mortar launches that crossed from Lebanon into Israeli territory were identified. The launches fell in open areas. No injuries were reported. IDF artillery is striking the sources of the launches.

Overnight, an armed terrorist cell was identified in Lebanon near the Biranit area. IDF soldiers struck the cell and a hit was identified.

IDF: A short while ago, terrorists launched an anti-tank missile from Lebanon toward the area of Netu’a in northern Israel.
In response, IDF artillery is striking the sources of the fire.

Furthemore, following the reports regarding sirens that sounded in Arab al-Aramashe in northern Israel, mortar launches that crossed from Lebanon to Israel were identified. The launches fell in open areas. No injuries were reported.

IDF: IDF troops are continuing operations in the Gaza Strip

IDF troops are continuing to operate in the Gaza Strip. IAF aircraft and ground forces have conducted 4300 strikes, struck hundreds of anti-tank missile launch posts, approximately 300 tunnel shafts, approximately 3,000 terrorist infrastructure sites, including over 100 structures rigged with explosives, and hundreds of Hamas command and control centers.

Attached is a video of IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is a video of the IDF activity in the Gaza

Attached are photos of IDF troops in the Gaza Strip:

IDF: Exclusive Footage from the Bottom of the Sea

The soldiers of the Israeli Navy’s Unit for Underwater Missions (“Yaltam”) have located dozens of weapons and military devices in the Gazan maritime region since the beginning of the war, both above and underwater.

During searches conducted by the Unit for Underwater Missions, a large number of weapons used by the Hamas terrorist organization in their attempts to infiltrate Israeli territory were located. Hamas’ attempts were thwarted by Israeli Navy Forces. Amongst the weapons and military devices were explosive devices, explosive belts, ammunition, inflatable boats and more.

In cooperation with the “Yahalom” Combat Engineering Unit’s special forces, the weapons suspected of containing explosives were neutralized.

Attached is footage of the operations by the Unit for Underwater Missions:

Attached is a sync of the EOD Company Commander in the Unit for Underwater Missions, CPT Shahar:

IDF: A short while ago, in response to the launches over the past day, IDF fighter jets struck a number of Hezbollah military sites and terrorist infrastructure in Lebanon. These targets included terror infrastructure, weapons storage compounds, and an operational command center used by Hezbollah.

Attached is a video of the strike:

IDF: A terrorist squad embedded itself in the area of the ‘Al-Quds’ Hospital, fired from the hospital entrance at IDF soldiers, and was subsequently eliminated

During operations carried out by the 188th Brigade, RPG fire and small arms fire were directed at the soldiers from the direction of the Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City. The shooting was carried out by a terrorist squad that had embedded itself within a group of civilians at the entrance of the hospital. The soldiers identified a terrorist squad with two RPG launchers amongst the civilians. As a result of the shooting carried out by the terrorists, a tank was damaged.

The soldiers fired toward the terrorists. During the exchange of fire, civilians were seen leaving the hospital building, and other terrorists who came out of adjacent buildings hid among them and joined the attempted attack. After the terrorists fired RPGs, they returned to hide in the hospital.

The combat team of the 188th Brigade, which included armored, engineering, infantry troops and with the assistance of the Air Force, responded with fire and fired shells toward the sources of the fire. During the incident, approximately 21 terrorists were killed and there were no casualties to our forces.

This incident is another example of Hamas’ continued abuse of civilian structures, including hospitals, to carry out attacks.

Attached is footage of RPG fire at IDF troops from the entrance of the hospital:

Attached is an infographic of the RPG fire from the entrance of the hospital:

Joint IDF and ISA announcement:

The IDF and ISA killed the Head of the Anti-Tank Missile Array of Hamas’ Khan Yunis Brigade and Hamas’ former Head of Military Intelligence

Over the last day, the IDF and ISA killed Yaakub A’ashur,
Head of the Anti-Tank Missile Array of Hamas’ Khan Yunis Brigade. Yaakub A’ashur was a battalion commander and was later promoted to the Head of the Anti-Tank Missile Array of Hamas’ Khan Yunis Brigade. He took part in the planning and execution of attacks against IDF soldiers.

Additionally, Mohammed Khamis Dababash, a senior Hamas operative, was killed. In the past, he was Hamas’ Head of Military Intelligence.
Over the last two years, he was the secretary of Zakaria Abu Maamar, Hamas’ Head of International Relations in the Political Bureau, who was also Hamas’ representative at the Summit of the National and Islamic Factions in the Gaza Strip. Khamis was involved in the directing of the terror attack in the community of Atsmona in March 2002, during which five Israelis were murdered. The terror attack was led by Mohammed Sinwar, Wael Nasser, and Taysir Mubasher.

In addition, Tahsin Muslem, commander of the combat assistance company who was responsible for the special forces in Beit Lahia, Jihad A’azem, a Hamas intelligence investigations officer in Zaytun, and Munir Hareb, head of Public Affairs in the Rafah brigade were also killed.

Attached are the IDs of Yaakub A’ashur and Mohammed Khamis Dababash:

Attached is a video of IDF strikes:

IDF: The Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, in the situational assessment in the Northern Command: “We are preparing the operational plans for the North. Our mission is to bring security. The security situation will not remain such that the civilians of the north do not feel safe returning to their homes.”

The Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, held a situational assessment today (Monday) in the Northern Command, during which he approved the defensive and offensive plans going forward, and gave directions for high preparedness of all forces going forward.

Attached is a related video:

Attached are related photos:

IDF: Attached is exclusive footage from the operations of Flotilla 13 and the 401st Brigade Combat Team in the Rantisi Hospital:

Attached are photos from the operation:

Attached are aerial photos of the hospital’s area:

IDF: IDF Effort to Coordinate Transfer of Incubators from an Israeli Hospital to Shifa Hospital

Following the IDF’s offer of humanitarian assistance to the director general of the Shifa Hospital, the IDF initiated a humanitarian effort to coordinate transfer of incubators from a hospital in Israel to the Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip.

The IDF remains committed to upholding its moral and professional responsibilities to distinguish between civilians and Hamas terrorists. The IDF is willing to work with any reliable mediating party to ensure the transfer of the incubators.

Attached is a phone call that took place between a senior officer from the Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) and the Director General of the Shifa Hospital regarding the transfer of the incubators:

Attached is the sync of the Coordination and Liaison Administration spokeswoman:

Attached are photos of the incubators being transferred:

Our hearts are with the Marciano family whose daughter, Noa, was brutally kidnapped by the Hamas terrorist organization.

The IDF and all the relevant bodies will continue to support her family, as well as all of the families of the hostages and missing persons.

We are using all means, both intelligence and operational, to bring the hostages home.

An IDF representative came to the family’s home and informed them of the video’s publication.

The Hamas terrorist organization continues to exploit psychological terrorism and act inhumanely, through videos and photos of the hostages, as done in the past.

A Message from Shalom