Israel Aid

IDF Updates – November 17th

IDF: The Chief of the General Staff with troops inside the Gaza Strip: “We are close to dismantling the military system in the Northern Gaza Strip. As far as we are concerned – we will continue to other areas.”

Attached is documentation of the IDF Chief of Staff with the troops in Gaza:
Attached is additional documentation:
Relevant photos:

The complete transcript of the IDF Chief of Staff: “In the ongoing progression of the war, with what you did here with these battalions, the 36th and the 252nd Divisions, we are close to dismantling the military system that was present in the northern Gaza Strip. While there remains work to be completed, we are approaching it successfully. The IDF will continue in its operations within the Gaza Strip, and as far as we are concerned, more and more regions [will be targeted], systematically eliminating commanding officers and eliminating operatives, and eradicating the infrastructure. Your performance so far has been exemplary; draw upon the lessons learned in the past three weeks and do it even better.”

IDF: The body of IDF soldier Corporal Noa Marciano, who was abducted by the Hamas terrorist organization, was extracted by IDF troops from a structure adjacent to the Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip and was transferred to Israeli territory.

Following an identification process that was conducted by military medical and rabbinate personnel, yesterday (Thursday), IDF representatives informed her family that her body was extracted and returned to Israeli territory.
The IDF sends its heartfelt condolences to the family and will continue to support them.

The national task before our eyes is to locate the missing and return the abducted persons home. The IDF is operating alongside and in full coordination with the relevant national and security institutions in order to pursue these tasks. We will not cease from the mission until it will be completed.

IDF: IDF troops continued operating in the Gaza Strip overnight, the IAF struck numerous terror targets in the Gaza Strip; heavy-weight rockets and UAVs were located in an Islamic Jihad post in the northern Gaza Strip

IDF troops continued operating overnight in the Gaza Strip and fighter jets struck numerous terror targets in the Gaza Strip.

Based on IDF intelligence, IDF troops took control of a stronghold of the commander of the Islamic Jihad’s northern command area. The stronghold contains offices of senior terrorists of the organization and a strategic manufacturing site for weapons. During the raid, the troops located heavy-weight rockets, UAVs, and additional weapons. The troops struck the post.

In addition IDF troops conducted activity inside a school in which Hamas terrorists were hiding. During the activities, the troops killed the terrorists and located a large number of weapons inside the school.

IDF troops conducted targeted raids in several areas in the Gaza Strip, during which they located technological equipment, weapons caches, and additional weapons, including Kalashnikov rifles, explosive devices, grenade launchers, vests, RPGs, and anti-tank missile launchers.

Attached are photos of the IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is a video of the IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of weapons confiscated by IDF troops and of the strike on a weapon warehouse:

As part of its modus operandi, Hamas exploits hospitals to launch its attacks against Israel. Here are just a few of the hospitals that have been exploited by Hamas since the start of the war.
Hamas Tactics – Hospitals as Operational Hubs

IDF: A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck several Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanon, including terrorist infrastructure, a weapons storage facility and a military structure. In addition, the IDF struck a terrorist cell identified in Lebanon in the area adjacent to Arab al-Aramshe.

Furthermore, several launches toward the areas of Malkia and Manarain in northern Israel were identified. The IDF is responding with fire toward the sourcees of the launches.

IDF: Following the report regarding sirens that sounded in Arab al-Aramashe and Adamit in northern Israel, a number of mortar shells launched from Lebanon toward Israel fell in open areas.

The IDF is striking the source of the launch in Lebanon.

IDF: Exposed: Shoulder-fired missiles, mortar shells, and numerous weapons located inside a kindergarten and schools in Gaza

IDF troops located dozens of mortar shells that were hidden by Hamas in a kindergarten in the northern Gaza Strip. In addition, IDF troops located numerous Hamas weapons hidden in the “Al-Karmel” elementary school.

Attached is video footage of the mortar shells located in a kindergarten:

Attached are photos of the located weapons:


A Message from Shalom