IDF Updates – November 19th

IDF: A raid on the residences of senior Hamas officials in Gaza – the activity of the Paratroopers Brigade in the Rimal area

IDF soldiers of the Paratroopers Brigade, together with the Armored Corps, Engineering Corps and the Israeli Air Force, operated in the Sheikh Ijlin and Rimal areas in order to identify and destroy Hamas infrastructure and assets. During the operations, the soldiers located approximately 35 tunnel shafts as well as a large number of weapons and eliminated terrorists.

Additionally, the soldiers operated in a Hamas military base belonging to the terrorist organization’s military intelligence unit. During the operation, IDF soldiers located ammunition depots and seven rocket launchers.

Embedded in the Rimal area are the residences of senior Hamas officials, who took control of the buildings in the area to conduct and direct terrorist activities. Military posts and Hamas infrastructure are also located in the area.

Attached is footage from the operations of the Paratroopers Brigade in the Rimal area:

Attached is a sync of a commander in the Paratroopers Brigade, Major “R”, discussing weapons found in the area:

Attached are photos from the operations of the Paratroopers Brigade in the Rimal area:

IDF: Following the report regarding an infiltration of a hostile aircraft in northern Israel earlier today, interceptors were launched toward several suspicious aerial targets that crossed from Lebanon toward the area of the Upper Galilee in northern Israel. The incident has concluded.

In addition, a short while ago, several launches from Lebanon toward different areas in northern Israel were identified. No injuries were reported.

The IDF is striking the sources of the fire.

IDF: A short while ago, two launches from Lebanon toward the area of Margaliot and Kfar Giladi in northern Israel were identified. In accordance with protocol, the launches were not intercepted. No injuries were reported.

The IDF is striking the sources of the fire.

IDF: The hijacking of a cargo ship by the Houthis near Yemen in the southern Red Sea is a very grave incident of global consequence.
The ship departed Turkey on its way to India, staffed by civilians of various nationalities, not including Israelis. It is not an Israeli ship.

IDF: Search and Rescue assistance for Ground Operations: For the first time, a mixed-gender search and rescue battalion is operating in the Gaza Strip

The mixed-gender unit from the Shachar Battalion in the Search and Rescue Brigade in the IDF Home Front Command has joined ground forces operating against the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip.

Under the command of LTC Yarden, the female and male combat soldiers of the Shachar Battalion used their expertise to search buildings and locate weapons as part of the combined combat forces of the 162th Division. The soldiers operated in the Shati area, one of Hamas’ main operational centers in the Gaza Strip.

Soldiers from the Search and Rescue Brigade joined the Commando Brigade during a raid on Hamas terrorist infrastructure in a hotel. The soldiers breached an area in which Hamas weapons and intelligence materials were located.

Since the IDF began operating in the Gaza Strip, the Search and Rescue Brigade has led rescue and evacuation efforts from buildings and destruction sites in accordance with operational requirements.

Attached is a sync of the Commander of the Shachar Battalion, LTC Yarden:

Attached is a video of the operations of the Search and Rescue Brigade in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of the operations of the Search and Rescue Brigade in the Gaza Strip:

Joint IDF and ISA announcement:

Embargo for publication: this evening (Sunday), 19:00 IST

Fortified Terror Tunnel Exposed Underneath the Shifa Hospital Complex

Based on IDF and ISA intelligence, IDF troops exposed a 55-meter-long terror tunnel 10 meters deep underneath the Shifa Hospital complex.

A deep staircase leads to the entrance of the tunnel shaft, which consists of various defense means including a blast-proof door and a firing hole. This type of door is used by the Hamas terrorist organization to block Israeli forces from entering the command centers and the underground assets belonging to Hamas.

The tunnel shaft was uncovered in the area of the hospital underneath a shed alongside a vehicle containing numerous weapons including RPGs, explosives, and Kalashnikov rifles.

IDF and ISA forces are continuing to uncover the route of the tunnel.

Attached is footage from Thursday, November 16, 2023, of the vehicle in which numerous weapons were found:

Attached is footage of the tunnel shaft:

The footage attached was filmed inside the tunnel and was recorded using two separate technological assets.

Attached are the two separate clips of footage from each one.

One-shot footage of the entrance and movement in the terrorist tunnel, from asset 1:

Footage of the descent into the tunnel from the technological asset 2:

Attached are aerial photos of the Shifa Hospital complex near Hamas terrorist infrastructure locations found, including explosive devices in the physical therapy ward, an interrogation room in the cardiology ward, weapons and intelligence in the MRI center, and a tunnel shaft that was located near the Qatari Building of the hospital:

The findings clearly prove that numerous buildings in the hospital’s complex are used by Hamas as cover for terrorist infrastructure and activities. This is further evidence of the cynical manner Hamas uses the residents of the Gaza Strip as a human shield for their murderous terrorist activities.

IDF: Over the last few days, in joint IDF and ISA intelligence operational activity, over 100 Hamas terrorists were apprehended and transferred for questioning in Israel; Among the apprehended suspects, three Nukhba terrorists who took part in the October 7th Massacre

Over the last few days, IDF intelligence and ISA personnel have been operating together with IDF ground troops in the Gaza Strip. The troops conducted dozens of questionings in different areas in which ground activities are being conducted and apprehended over 100 terrorists for further questioning in Israel.

In addition, Nukhba terrorists were apprehended, as well as operatives responsible for rocket fire, explosives, sniper fire, and logistics, who disclosed the locations of underground tunnels, storage compounds, and weaponry. They disclosed operating methods used by the terrorist organization, as well as details regarding tunnel digging and the recruitment process.

The information gained from the interrogations of the terrorists serves the troops who are operating from the air and the ground in the Gaza Strip and is being used to receive precise and up-to-date intelligence from the field, which assists the ongoing combat efforts.

IDF: In response to launches over the past day, earlier today IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanese territory.

The terror targets included a Hezbollah military compound where terrorists from the organization were operating, a military post, and infrastructure used for directing terror.

In addition, several anti-tank missile and mortar shell launches toward different areas in northern Israel were identified. According to protocol, the launches were not intercepted. A short while ago, an interceptor was launched toward a suspicious target in northern Israel.

The IDF is striking the origins of the fire.

Joint IDF and ISA announcement:

New findings revealed by the IDF and the Israel Security Agency prove that the Shifa Hospital was used as terrorist infrastructure in which the Hamas terrorists took hostages on Saturday, October 7; new details are presented about the circumstances of the death of the late Corporal Noa Marciano

In the documentation exposed with the assistance of the ISA, Hamas terrorists can be seen on Saturday, October 7th, forcibly transporting hostages, a Nepalese civilian and a Thai civilian, who were kidnapped from Israeli territory. IDF vehicles stolen during the murderous massacre can also be seen inside the Shifa Hospital area.

These findings prove that the Hamas terrorist organization used the Shifa Hospital complex on the day of the massacre as terrorist infrastructure.

These findings add to previous evidence presented regarding Hamas’ use of the hospital area as infrastructure for its terrorist activities in a systematic and ongoing manner.

Attached is documentation from Shifa Hospital from the day of the kidnapping, October 7th, 2023, between the hours of 10:42 and 11:01 a.m. in which hostages abducted from Israeli territory are seen surrounded by armed Hamas terrorists. One of the hostages is injured and is being carried on a hospital bed and the other is walking. The hostages, a Nepalese civilian and a Thai civilian, in the documentation is known and information on the subject has been passed on to the relevant authorities. The documentation is attached:

Attached are photos of the hostages being moved inside the Shifa Hospital:

Attached are photos of IDF vehicles present in the area of the Shifa Hospital:

A few days ago, the bodies of the late Yehudit Weiss and the late CPL Noa Marciano, who were abducted on October 7th, were returned to Israel. Following ISA intelligence, IDF soldiers located the bodies of Noa and Yehudit in different buildings near the Shifa Hospital.
The IDF and the ISA share in the grief of the bereaved families and will continue to accompany them at all times. The IDF will continue to act and take advantage of every opportunity to return the hostages and missing persons home.

Attached is a sync of the Commander of the 7th Brigade, Col Elad Tzuri, describing the operations of the soldiers who found the body of CPL Noa Marciano:

Attached is an infographic with the locations where the bodies of Yehudit Weiss and CPL Noa Marciano were found:

Joint IDF and ISA announcement:

Following the briefing of the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, attached are additional details regarding the death of Corporal Noa Marciano

According to IDF and ISA intelligence, CPL Noa Marciano was injured from an IDF strike on Thursday, (9/11/23) and the terrorist holding her hostage was killed.

Based on a preliminary pathological report, as well as IDF and ISA intelligence, it was revealed that Noa’s injury was not life-threatening, and she was murdered by a Hamas terrorist in the Shifa Hospital.

The IDF and ISA send their heartfelt condolences to the Marciano family. We will continue to support them and to operate in every way possible to return the hostages home.

Please find attached the English evening briefing of the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

A Message from Shalom