Shalom Daily Update – Day 25 – November 1, 2023

“Touching Letter from a Former Employee”

I received this from Tim Johnson, a former employee from Inman, South Carolina. I have not talked to him in several years and received this touching text and subsequent exchange yesterday. I asked him if I could add it to our site and he happily agreed. I don’t think it needs much explanation.

“I know that you have a lot going on, so I don’t mean to bother you. I hope you & your family are ok.

Know that y’all are in the prayers of my family & friends @ church. I wanted to share that my 7 yr. old Grandson Bennett asked his piano teacher to pause his lesson yesterday so they could pray for “God’s country/Israel.” He asks for an update on the war every day when I pick him up from school. He is very concerned for Israel & does not understand how Hamas can be so mean. I told him we don’t understand either but there are simply evil people in the world.

While it doesn’t have a direct impact on the war, I thought you might find some comfort in the fact that even little children in America are praying for Israel.

Stay safe. Good thoughts & prayers are going up on behalf of Israel from the entire Johnson family including the smallest ones!”

Shalom Menora: This means so much. Can I post this on our personal stories on our website, Can you send me a picture of him?
Tim Johnson: “Yes! Bennett will be so honored. He’s all boy & is often rambunctious. But he has a kind sweet heart. He is so concerned about y’all. I’ll get a photo & send it soon.”
I have a couple photos of Bennett. Should I forward them to you via this text address? I looked at your website. It is awesome! But I wasn’t sure if I could submit the photos to it or if you have to do it”
Shalom Menora: Send to me by text or WhatsApp. I have to do it.
Tim Johnson: “Here are photos. Bennett Fowler is a 7 yr. old Second Grader @ Inman Elementary in Inman, South Carolina. He is the son of Alaina Johnson Fowler & grandson of Tim & Pam Johnson. Share his story about praying with his piano teacher to show that many Americans (even children) support Israel’s war effort with prayer.”
Shalom Menora: Thanks

Pictured: Bennet Fowler, 2nd grade – grandson of Tim Johson

A Message from Shalom