Shalom-Daily Update, Friday, Nov. 3rd – Eve of Shabbat

Instead of my update- I liked this update from Aipac- especially some of the videos

This Shabbat marks the fourth week since the October 7 massacre, and the ongoing rocket attacks against Israeli citizens.

This has been the most difficult month in Israel’s history, and for many of us personally as well.

The collective strength and determination of Israelis and our community has helped shine some light amid the darkness, and we are deeply appreciative of your enduring commitment to our shared mission.

The coming weeks and months likely promise to bring many difficult days, but I remain supremely confident that Israel will win this war and – because of our work together – Congress will remain steadfast in its support for the Jewish state.

Today, the IDF announced that it has begun operations inside Gaza City – the stronghold of Hamas. This urban battle is being waged inside one of the most complex war zones in modern history.

Israel is facing an enemy that dresses in civilian clothes, hides behind and beneath women and children, and has no regard for human life.

This is an enemy that has proven to be the epitome of evil – and now Israeli soldiers must enter the hornet’s nest.

This isn’t a battle Israel sought. Hamas started it. Now Israel must win it.

Destroying Hamas isn’t just a military objective. It’s about protecting Israeli families and restoring peace and security for millions of Israeli civilians. It’s about proving to Israel’s enemies – and to the world – that Israel cannot be destroyed. The people of Israel will live.

Our work on Capitol Hill is vital. The calls and emails to Congressional offices are having an impact.

This week the House passed $14.3 billion for Israel’s security. This important first vote is just the start of a long legislative process to ensure our leaders continue to stand with Israel and approve this critical emergency aid.

Congress also passed key legislation that will increase the pressure on Iran. This week, the House passed a bill, by a vote of 363 to 46, sanctioning foreign supporters of Hamas, and a resolution, by a vote of 354 to 53, putting the House on record that “all means necessary” should be used to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. This morning, the SHIP Act passed by a vote of 342-69 . This was one of our key agenda items, and it cuts off the flow of oil revenue to Iran – Hamas’ principal backer.

The work ahead will be difficult, and we must continue to keep the attention and pressure on this issue by repeatedly calling and emailing our elected leaders.

The rallying cry across Israel is, “Together, we will win!” We are at the beginning of a long road. But all 3.3 million AIPAC members across the country are in it together. And we will win.

Below my signature are a few uplifting videos from this week that I encourage you to watch and share.

As always, for the most up-to-date news and information, follow AIPAC on social media.

May God protect the brave soldiers of the IDF, provide comfort to the people of Israel, and safeguard those kidnapped by Hamas.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Michael Tuchin
AIPAC President

A Message from Shalom