Israel Aid

Shalom — Update 10/29/30 12pm Chicago

Update  Sunday 10/29/23  11:30 am Chicago

I came back from Israel to Chicago and went to visit our nursing homes in Indiana on Thursday.  People were relieved that I came back safe and I thank you all for your concern.

I was surprised how little people know about the world and how people are really misinformed. I resolved to put better information so people can really know the good versus the evil and why Israel is fighting really for its survival and why the United States is allied with Israel.

Today is supposed to be Sunday and relaxing in the United states.

Every day- I wait to hear from my son that all is good on his front up in Northern Israel.

My day-I just found out that an hour ago, missiles landed around 200 yards away from my mother in laws house in ramat Hasharon (where I was staying last week). 1-2 million people have to scramble with one minute warning to shelters.

I am trying to figure out which walkie talkies we can buy for various units that are still missing some. That and 20 other projects .

Many small towns who have the men in the army now are worried from attacks within Israel. There are many Arabs within Israel and the West bank that can easily attack if not guarded. So the country is ramping up to protect the little towns to thru civilian initiatives. Picture a small town of 1000 or 2000 people that all of a sudden just needs 1 or 2 people to attack at night and the damage it can cause.

This is in addition to over 100,000 or 200,000 (I need to check the number) that Israel has evacuated from the south and north to stay out of the firing lines. People are hosting them etc.

Business are closed, farms lay fallow, and people can’t do any of the day to day things to make a livelihood.

On top of that , the trauma of the families affected by the killings, the trauma of the thousands who survived the attacks, is a big project in itself.

Then there is rebuilding the towns, etc.

IN short, while in the middle of a war with close to 10% of the nation called up in reserves and many more volunteering, there are great needs to address.

It is inspiring to see the entire Jewish world chip in. It is also inspiring to see the United States and many other countries stand with us. I even see some of the media actually calling hamas terrorists and evil. Something not seen for years.

Even many of the Arab countries are privately with us while publicly saying otherwise.

I hope to be able to share with you other families like ours stories and also show you the real story of what Israel is all about.

I am proud that we value life and unfortunately, the Hamas use innocent civilians to try to paint a picture of Israel being bad.

I appreciate all the support from everyone and together we will continue to inform you and your support is invaluable.

The highlight of my day was being able to talk on facetime to Judah’s daughter (my granddaughter) and see her smile and forget about the problems for a few minutes)

Stay strong and we will too!


A Message from Shalom