Israel Aid

Ari Rabinowitz — Father of kids in Gdud (Battalion 9221)

We were informed that 4 soldiers from Gdud 697 were killed when they encountered a booby-trapped tunnel entrance in Gaza. One of the soldiers, Major Moshe Yedidya Lighter was the son of Chani Weiss, who grow up with us in Bnie Akiva in Chicago (about 50 years ago). The funeral was on Sunday afternoon at Mount […]

Shalom – Sunday, November 5, 2023

Our rabbi was away for the sabbath and I was asked to give the sermon in our synagogue  I asked people , how many ever shot a gun. -75 percent raised their hand.  I asked how many people ever shot a person – One raised his hand ( he was a former policeman)  My  oldest son […]

Shalom-Daily Update, Friday, Nov. 3rd – Eve of Shabbat

Instead of my update- I liked this update from Aipac- especially some of the videos This Shabbat marks the fourth week since the October 7 massacre, and the ongoing rocket attacks against Israeli citizens. This has been the most difficult month in Israel’s history, and for many of us personally as well. The collective strength […]

A Message from Shalom