Israel Aid

IDF: IDF soldiers located and destroyed compounds used to launch rockets

IDF: IDF soldiers located and destroyed compounds used to launch rockets, including a compound located inside a mosque; over 50 rockets were found in a compound used for youth activities, ready to be launched toward Israel During ground operations in the Gaza Strip, IDF troops located and exposed evidence of Hamas’ use of civilian compounds […]

Daily Briefing: Combat in North Gaza, Humanitarian Trucks in the South

Where Things Stand Now Today is November 6th. October 6th, 31 days ago, was quiet. Peaceful. And if Hamas hadn’t attacked Israel on October 7th, today would be too. Instead, Hamas attacked, leaving 1400+ dead Israelis and 240 hostages in Gaza. We know what Hamas did. We know they’d do it again. That’s what this […]

Daily Update Israel-Day 30

Statistics 1,400+ Israelis killed since the morning of October 7th. 346 fallen soldiers 5,400+ Israelis wounded. 241 Confirmed hostages, among them 30 children under the age of 18. Dozens of confirmed missing persons. 9,000+ Rockets launched into Israel. 360,000+ Reservists drafted. Operational Updates IDF called on residents of Gaza City to evacuate south of Wadi […]

IDF: For your Convenience, attached are the materials following the statement of RDML Daniel Hagari:

Attached is an infographic regarding the IDF’s efforts to evacuate civilians in order to avoid harming non-combatants: Attached is a video regarding the pamphlet distribution to the civilians in Gaza urging them to evacuate: Attached is a recording of an IDF officer to residents of Jabaliya urging them to evacuate south: Attached is a call […]

IDF: Exposed: Rocket launchers in playgrounds and near children’s swimming pools; IDF soldiers continue to expose Hamas’ exploitation of the civilian population – including children – for its terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip

During fighting in the Gaza Strip, IDF soldiers are exposing how the Hamas terror organization systematically uses civilian facilities for its terror activity. IDF soldiers located rocket launchers near a children’s swimming pool, as well as launch pits and rocket launchers in an old children’s playground in the Gaza Strip. This is further proof of […]

When the world gets played

One of Hamas’s core strategic tenants has been to hide behind Gazans, protecting terrorists by fighting from under hospitals and mosques. The goal is to maximize Gazan civilian casualties, point a finger at Israel regardless of who hurts them (see the al-Ahli Gaza Hospital as a case in point), and to get the world to […]

A Message from Shalom