Israel Aid

IDF: Since the beginning of the war, the IDF has struck over 15,000 terror targets in the Gaza Strip and seized over 6000 weapons; the “Yahalom” (Patriot) Missile Defense System intercepted a UAV yesterday adjacent to Eilat

Since the beginning of the war, the IDF has struck over 15,000 terror targets in the Gaza Strip and located 6000 weapons, including anti-tank missile launchers, anti-aircraft missiles, rockets and mortars, explosives, ammunition, and more. In recent days, combined IDF forces have continued to strike numerous terror targets in the Gaza Strip, including operational command […]

Mossad spy agency says it has thwarted a major terror attack in Brazil

BREAKING: In a rare statement the Mossad spy agency says it has thwarted a major terror attack in Brazil planned by Hezbollah, guided and funded by the Iranian regime. Hezbollah plotted to attack Jewish communities and synagogues in the country, the Israeli PM office confirms. “The Mossad acts and will continue to act to prevent […]

Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 9th, 19:40

Good evening, IDF troops continue to expand their combat within the heart of Gaza City, where we are approaching and clearing Hamas assets and posts. One such post is the Hamas security quarter. This is a very central site in the northern Gaza Strip, that includes Hamas posts, command centers, including Hamas’ intelligence headquarters, aerial […]

The View Above (and Below) Gaza

If you would have told me 5 weeks ago that I’d be writing this in November 2023, I wouldn’t have believed you. Thanks for reading Mission Brief from LTC Richard Hecht (Official IDF Substack)! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. If you told me we’d be destroying tunnels in the […]

IDF: The largest deployment of aerial defense batteries ever; The soldiers of the Aerial Defense Array intercepted thousands of rockets across all layers of defense

Since the beginning of the war, about 9,500 rockets and dozens of aircraft have been launched towards Israel. The soldiers of the Aerial Defense Array intercepted thousands of rockets in the defended areas, and following the entry of ground forces into the Gaza Strip, a significant decrease in the number of launches is evident. The […]

IDF: Following the report regarding sirens that sounded in northern Israel, several mortar shells fired from Lebanon to Israel were identified. IDF soldiers struck the launcher from which the mortar shells were fired.

Furthermore, a short while ago, terrorists launched several anti-tank missiles and shot gunfire toward an IDF post in the area of Metula, in northern Israel. IDF soldiers are currently responding with tanks and artillery fire toward the sources of fire. In addition, a short while ago, the IDF struck a launching post in Lebanon. Attached […]

IDF: The 162nd Division has been operating in recent days in the center of Gaza City in the area of ​​Hamas’ military quarter; forces of the Givati ​​Brigade eliminated about 50 terrorists

The infantry, armor and engineering forces of the 162nd Division, with IAF air support and the assistance of special forces, raided the military quarter of the Hamas terrorist organization in the heart of Gaza City, near the Shifa Hospital. The military quarter area is the heart of intelligence and operational activities of Hamas and was […]

A Message from Shalom