Israel Aid

Joint IDF and ISA announcement: Information obtained through ISA questioning led to a strike on terror infrastructure in the northern Gaza Strip; IDF fighter jets directed by ground troops are continuing to strike terror targets

Earlier today, IDF fighter jets struck Hamas terror infrastructure located on the roof of a building and an adjacent tunnel shaft. The information on the terror infrastructure and shaft was obtained through ISA questioning and through ground operations. In addition, following IDF and ISA intelligence, and the identification of shooting from the area, the IDF […]

Daily Recap: Hamas – Israel War November 3rd, 2023 – Day 28

The IDF has been locating Hamas tunnels built under civilian infrastructure and used to attack IDF troops. (Video) Soldiers of the Yahalom Unit, in cooperation with combat engineers from Battalion 7107, the Armored Corps, the Nahal Brigade and the Negev Brigade exposed and neutralized Hamas’ terror tunnels during special operations inside the Gaza Strip. (Video) […]

Mission Brief: Dispatch #7 9,000+ Rockets

The atrocities of October 7th began with a massive rocket attack from Hamas Over 4 weeks, more than 9200 rockets have been launched at Israeli cities and communities. We’ve lived under the threat of rockets for a long time. This chart shows launches against Israel from Gaza since 2006. All told, that’s around 19,000 launches […]

Daily Update Israel-Day 28

DAILY UPDATE: ISRAEL – HAMAS WAR DAY 28 OF THE WAR LAST UPDATE –03/11/2023, 19:00PM ISRAEL TIME 1,400+ Israelis killed since the morning of October 7th. 339 fallen soldiers 5,400+ Israelis wounded. 241 Confirmed hostages, among them 30 children under the age of 18. 40 confirmed missing persons. 9,000+ Rockets launched into Israel. 360,000+ Reservists […]

IDF: Battle plans, maps and communication equipment found in the Hamas stronghold in Jabaliya

In recent days, soldiers from the Infantry, Combat Engineering and Armored Corps under the command of the Givati ​​Brigade have taken control of a military stronghold belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in northern Gaza. After having taken control of the terror stronghold, IDF soldiers conducted extensive searches and located intelligence information that included operational […]

Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 3rd 11:00

The IDF are encircling Gaza City from the air, the land, and the sea. The soldiers are advancing in battles during which they are destroying terrorist infrastructure above ground and underground, and eliminating terrorists. Overnight, our forces operated in several locations and found many weapons – grenades, explosives, protective gear, communications equipment and maps. These […]

A Message from Shalom